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[日期:2007-08-31]   [字体: ]


(1) ahead of time 與 ahead of one\'s time:
ahead of time 意思是提早或較快(earlier or sooner)
但是 ahead of one\'s time 是指比過去的思想、風俗或方法更進步
(more advanced than current customs , ideas or methods)或是做事比別人更進步
(to do something in advance of others)(這裡的 time = era = generation)

The party was scheduled for seven o’clock, but my wife and I arrived ahead of time.
(宴會預定 7 點開始,但內人和我提早到達。)

To make your boss happier, you had better complete your project ahead of time.

Mrs. Wang is always doing things ahead of her time.

Wearing short pants and having a low-cut blouse make Miss Lee a teen-ager ahead of her time.

(2) to catch someone flat-footed 與 to catch someone red-handed:
to catch someone flat-footed意思是使某人驚訝,或趁人沒有準備而感到意外。
(to surprise someone or to catch someone unprepared)
但是 to catch someone red-handed是指某人在做壞事時,當場被捉到。
(to catch someone in the act of wrongdoing)
(也有人說成:to catch someone in the act)

Her questions have caught the department chairperson flat-footed.

When it came to the Taiwan issue, some politicians were caught flat-footed.

Will the Taiwan issue catch some politician’s flat-foot-ed? (主動語態)

The store manager caught the shop-lifter red-handed.
這裡的 caught,是指捉到時的情形(state of being caught)。

The murderer was caught red-handed by the police. (被動語態)

There will be no proof of murder unless the police catch the suspect red-handed.

(3) to burn one\'s bridges 與 to burn one\'s fingers:
to burn one\'s bridges 意思是不惜代價,決心做某事
(go ahead to do something regardless of costs)。
這本來是指軍隊過橋後,毀掉橋樑,不能再後退。也就是決心做某事,絕不改變(determined to do something without change)。
但是 to burn one\'s fingers 照字義說,是燒了自己的手指,當然自己受傷。也就是說,不該做的事而做了,結果傷害了自己。
(get involved something that you should not ; you bring harm to yourself)

If you criticize your former boss when you resign your position, you will burn your bridges.

To burn your bridges will jeopardize your future career.

I advised Mr. B to stay away from the stock market; he has already burned his fingers before.

Mr. Chen does not want to handle this touchy issue be-cause he tries not to burn his fingers.

(4) full of beans 與 full of bull:
full of beans意思是有朝氣,有活力,興高采烈。
(energetic, lively or in high spirits)
但是full of bull是指胡說,瞎聊或說些未必真實無價值的事情
(talk nonsense or worthless ; or say some-thing that may not be true)
full of bull也有人說成:full of bull-shit 或 full of shit,但不禮貌。
(以上兩句的動詞,多半用to be或linking verb)

Whenever I see John, he is always full of beans.
(不論什麼時候見到 John,他總是朝氣蓬勃。)

Mr. Wang seems full of beans preparing his trip to Tai-wan.

Don\'t listen to what Mr. Lee has said; he is full of bull.

Mr. Lee\'s honesty is suspicious as he is known for being full of bull.

(5) at all cost與at all times:
at all cost(s)意思是無論如何或不管付出什麼代價(by any means or regardless of the expenses)。這與at any cost 或 at any price 意義相似。但是 at all times 意思是指在每一個場合(on every occasion)或繼續不斷(to continue without interruption)。

例如:Mrs. A asked the doctor to preserve her husband\'s right leg at all cost.

(也有人用:at all costs)
It seems that Taiwan will separate from China at all costs.

At airport terminal I will watch out for his suitcase at all times during his absence.

Please keep your eyes on this bag at all times because there are some important documents inside.

至於 at any rate,意思是不管何種情況或在任何變化的情形下。(regardless of the circumstance or under any changing situation) ,這與 at all cost 意思相近。

例如:At any rate , the train will arrive at the station in time.

At any rate, many Chinese believe that Taiwan wills eventually re-unit with China.

(6) around the bend 與 around the corner:
around the bend 意思是在路邊(near the road side)
有時也指神經兮兮或發瘋似的。(being nuts or crazy)但是 around the corner 照字義本來是在另一角落(literally means located the next corner),後來引申為很快來臨或將要到達(coming soon or nearby)。

例如:Mr. Wang can see his daughter often because her house is around the bend from his house.

It seems that Mr. A is around the bend sometimes.
(A先生有時好像神經兮兮的。)=He is nut (nuts). = He is crazy.

Time goes fast; Christmas is just around the corner.

Our college is around the corner; it will take five minutes to walk there.

(7) to cut to the bone 與 to cut to the chase:
cut to the bone 意思是大大的減少(heavily reduced)而 cut to the chase 是指直截了當,說出重點,不必浪費時間。(get to the point ; don\'t waste time)

例如:During the financial hardship, some companies try to cut the budget to the bone.

We will not be able to carry out the project because the grant has been cut to the bone.

Instead of going into the details, Mr. A just cut to the chase.

The president of the company was trying to cut to the chase about the problem.

(8) to feel one\'s way 與 to feel one\'s oats:
to feel one\'s way是指待人處事,十分小心謹慎(to treat someone or to do something cautiously)但是 to feel one\'s oats 意思是感到精神百倍或精力充沛。(feel GREat , energetic & youthful ; full of high spirits)(這本來是指馬吃了oats後,精力充沛。)

例如:In doing business with Mr. Lee, she should feel her way until she knows him better.

It is always safer to feel one\'s way while one is proceeding in one\'s career.

Many young and healthy people feel their oats wherever they go.

After ten-hour work in the factory, even young John would not feel his oats.
(在工廠工作十小時後,連年輕的 John,都不會感到精神百倍。)

Two months after he left hospital, Mr. A became to feel his oats again.

(9) as a rule 與 as a whole:
as a rule意思是一般而言;通常來說(generally or usually)也有人說成 : as a general rule ,但是as a whole意思是全部來說,整體看來(for the most part or altogether)

例如: As a rule , most elderly persons like to be respected.

Chinese people, as a rule, are very hospitable.

Learning English is my routine as a whole.
(放在句尾較好,因為靠近修飾routine)=for the most part

As a whole, my wife enjoys walking though sometimes she feels bored.

As a whole, Mr. Wang is a good person.
(整體來說,王先生是位好人。)(=most of the time 或 in most cases)

(10) at one 與 at once:
at one意思是彼此同意(to agree with each other)
但是at once意思是即刻、馬上或同時(immediately or at the same time)

例如:The boss told her to submit the annual report at once.

We did not understand why everything happened at once.

They are at one on every issue except the abortion.

但不能說:He is at one on this issue. 因為要兩個人以上才能彼此同意。但可以說:He is at one with me on this issue.

If you vote for Mr. Bush, you have to be at one with (him on) his war policy.

(11)behind the scenes 與 behind the times:
這裡的scenes,本來是指theater,所以behind the scenes 意思是在幕後,或私下;不在大眾面前(away from public or in private)。
但是 behind the times 意思是落後、守舊、不能趕上時代潮流(old fashion ; can not keep up with current ideas)與 out of date意義相似。

例如:Mr. Hsu would like to get a better job behind the scenes.

For some reason(s), many Chinese PhDs in the U.S. prefer working behind the scenes as researchers.

What I learned thirty years ago seems behind the times.

Your way of repairing this machine is behind the times.
( = out of date ) (你修理這部機器的方法是落伍的。)

至於 behind closed doors 意思也是關起門行事,但未必是違法,只是令人疑心(something fishy)而已。也就是人們有權知道某件事,而無法知道。例如:

The promotion was generally decided behind closed doors.

(12)to bite one\'s nails 與 to bite one\'s tongue:
to bite one\'s nails 照字面意思,就是咬指頭,也就是感到焦慮、不耐煩或緊張
(to be anxious , impatient or nervous)(nail-biting也就變成名詞,意思是緊張不安)但是 to bite one\'s tongue 意思是盡量不要多說話,以免得罪人。(try to control oneself not to speak)

(動詞時態:bite , bit , bit 或 bitten , biting)

例如:Mary has not come home after 11 pm ; her parents are biting their nails.
(Mary 晚上11點還未回家,她父母在擔心。)

Waiting in a long line for a movie will make him bite his nails.

You need to bite your tongue when you visit your children\'s home(s).
( 你去兒女家 , 應該盡量少說話 。 )

It is wise to bite one\'s tongue on a controversial issue.

(13)to put one\'s foot in one\'s mouth 與 to get one\'s foot in the door:
to put one\'s foot in one\'s mouth 意思是說錯了話,或說出傻話,或不技巧的話。
(say something foolish or tactless)但是 to get one\'s foot in the door 原來是指推銷員進門時,先跨進一個腳,人家不便關門,後人引申為開始做某事,或有做事的機會。(to start at something or to have an opportunity to do something)

例如:When Mr. Lee makes comments; he generally puts his foot in his mouth.

If you call your boss by his / her first name without per-mission, you put your foot in your mouth.
註:一般老外稱呼上司或長者,都是某某先生或女士,不輕易用first name,以表尊重。

Mr. Chen has foot-in-mouth disease because he always says something tactless.

Once Mr. A gets his foot in the door, he can do a good job.

How can a person have experience without an opportunity of getting a foot in the door?

(14)to bite the bullet 與 to bite the dust:
to bite the bullet 意思是勇敢地面對艱難或痛苦(to face bravely in the time of difficulty),據說從前戰場上,傷兵開刀沒有麻醉藥,醫生要傷兵在口裡咬一顆鉛彈(lead bullet)忍受痛苦。但是 to bite the dust是指失敗或死亡(to be defeated or to die)。據說過去美國西部影片裡,被打敗或受重傷的 cowboy 或印第安人,從馬上掉在土砂地上,嘴裡都有 dust。

例如:In case of financial hardship, you have to bite the bullet and find an extra income.

Life is up and down; we all have to bite the bullet some-times.

The November presidential election will tell which party will bite the dust.

During the war in Iraq, over one thousand American youngsters have bit the dust.

If there is a military conflict between China and Taiwan, millions of innocent Chinese will bite the dust.

(15)to drop names 與to drop the ball:
to drop names 意思是喜歡提起認識某某名人顯要,以提高自己的身價或往自己臉上貼金(like to refer to VIP in order to impress others)。VIP = very important person 。但是 to drop the ball 是指失去機會或犯了錯誤(miss an opportunity or make a mistake)。

例如:Many Chinese people have a habit of dropping names in order to up-grade their social status.

Name-dropping becomes a sensitive topic to many people.
(用name-dropping當名詞時,通常在name後面不加 s)

No one likes to be called a name-dropper.

If you refuse his job offer, you will drop the ball.

When you do or say something, try to avoid dropping the ball.

(16)to earn one\'s keep 與 to earn one\'s stripes:
to earn one\'s keep意思是賺足夠的錢,以維持生活。
(to make enough money for one\'s living expenses)

但是 to earn one\'s stripes 意思是藉著工作的努力而得到升級。( to earn a promotion by hardworking )( stripe 本來是指軍裝或警服上表示等級的條紋標誌)

例如:Through many years\' hard work, Mr. Wang has earned his stripes.

Without dedication, hard work and perseverance, one may not be able to earn one\'s stripes.

American young people tend to be more independent and earn their keep after age of 18.

Many Chinese youngsters are old enough to earn their keep without asking their parents for financial assistance.

(17)for one\'s money 與 for one\'s pains:
for one\'s money意思是按照某人的意見、喜愛或選擇。(based on one\'s point of view, preference or choice)但是for one\'s pains意思是花了許多的氣力或心血,結果並不好,有划不來的味道(a poor return for the efforts one has made)。

例如:For my money, a trip from the U. S. to Taiwan every month is too tiresome.

(for my money=in my opinion,與money沒有關係,通常只用單數,所以很少說:for our 或their money , ……)

For his money, the election poll may not seem accurate.

Mr. Wang worked very hard, but all he got for his pains was a demotion for some reason(s).

What they will win for their pains might be unhappiness.

(18)all ears 與 all eyes:
all ears意思是注意聽(listen attentively)但是all eyes是注意地看(to watch closely)
(這兩個片語的動詞,多半用to be)

例如:Please tell me what happened last night ; I am all ears.

Whenever he gives a speech, his wife will be all ears.

Mr. A is always all eyes when a beautiful woman passes by.

At the woman swimsuit fashion show, every man was all eyes.

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