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[日期:2007-07-28]   [字体: ]

A: What about that group?  They're speaking English, aren't they?

A: 那群人呢?他们在说英语,是吗?

B: Yes.  Let me try and listen to the accents.

B: 是的。让我来听听他们的口音。

A: British?  American? What do you think?

A: 英国人?还是美国人?你怎么看?

B: No neither.  They're not British or American.  I think they're from Australia or New Zealand.

B: 都不是。他们既不是英国 人也不是美国人。我想他们是澳大利亚人或者是新西兰人。

A: So many tourists!  Beijing and China are really popular these days, especially with the Olympics coming.

A: 这么多的游客。北京和中国现在都非常受欢迎,尤其是奥运会要召开了。


Notes 注释
1. You can talk about the different accents / accents in a particular language to identify where people come from, eg: He's got an American accent / He's got an American accent.  He's from London – he has a London accent / He's from London – he has a London accent: They've got Australian accents / They've got Australian accents.
你可以谈论某种语言的不同accents / 方言,以辨别人们是从哪里来。例如:He's got an American accent /他有美国口音。 He's from London – he has a London accent / 他从伦敦来——他有伦敦口音。They've got Australian accents / 他们有澳大利亚口音。

2. You can talk about things in the future by using the phrase coming / coming, eg: Beijing is popular with the Olympics coming / Beijing is popular with the Olympics coming.
你可以用 coming / 即将到来来谈论将来要发生的事情。例如:Beijing is popular with the Olympics coming /随着奥运会即将召开北京越来越受欢迎。

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