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[日期:2007-05-07]   [字体: ]

1.A  2.A  3.A  4. B  5.B  6.B  7.A  8.C  9. C  10.C  11. A   12.C  13.B  14. B  15.A   16.A  17.B  18. A  19.C  20.C  21.D  22.B  23.C  24.A  25.C  26.A  27.C

28.D   29.B   30.C  31.C  32.B  33.D  34.A  35.D  36.B  37.D  38.C  39.C  40.A

41.C   42.D   43.A   44.B  45. B  46. D   47. B   48.D   49.A   50.A  51.C  52. B

53.A   54.B   55.D   56. C  57.D  58.A   59.B   60.B  61.C  62.D   63. A  64.D 

65.C   66.A   67.B   68.C   69.D  70.A   71.B   72.B  73.C  74.A   75.D 

76. in the the   77. taken taking  78.people people who

79.immediately immediate  80. what that/ which 81.second seconds

82. such a such an  83.place of place   84.   85. hit hitting

One possible version :

Tidy our dining hall in school

I hate the untidy dining hall in our school .Some people seem to treat it as if it were a rubbish area . They throw the leftover food about , on the table or on the ground . This makes the hall look unpleasant for us to come and eat there .

I have several solutions . First , get more people to form good habits by putting posters around the hall asking them to be more thoughtful of their behaviors and protect our environments . Second , make people pick up their own litter . We can do this by asking some students to walk around the hall and watch out for those that drop litter .We can make those who are found dropping litter stay behind and tidy up the hall after all the students have finished their meal .

I hope you find my ideas useful .

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