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[主谓一致] 高考语法综合练习(二)

[日期:2007-05-06]   [字体: ]


1.Neither of the sisters__________(去过北京).

2.Neither my parents nor my husband__________(知道这个秘密).

3.The police__________(正在搜查那栋房子)for the stolen jewelry.

4.__________(人人都知道)Mary and John__________(是好朋友).

5.Each teacher and student__________(想看这部电影).

6.Mrs GREen with her two daughters__________(进城去了).

7.Six dollars__________(太便宜)for this skirt.

8.What her father left her__________(只是一些旧书).

9.What the soldiers needed__________(是水).

10.Nearly 80 percent of population in China__________(是农民).

11.More than two thirds of the surface of the earth__________(被水覆盖着).

12.Fifty tons of coal__________(浪费掉了)in that factory last year.

13.More than one person in our office__________(已决心)to give up smoking.

14.Going to bed early and getting up early__________(是个好习惯).

15.The family__________(在看电视)when someone knocked at the door.

16.The number of people invited__________(有80多人),but a number of them __________(缺席)for different reasons.

17.That works we visited yesterday__________(很大).

18.All that can be done__________(都已做了).



1.has been to Beijing 2.knows the secret 3.are searching the house 4.Everybody knows;are good friends 5.wants to see the film 6.has gone to town 7.is very cheap 8.are only some old books 9.was water 10.are peasants 11.is covered by water 12.were wasted 13.has made up his mind 14.is a good habit 15.were watching TV 16.was more than eighty;were absent 17.is very large (big) 18.has been done

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