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Giving instructions 口语练习

[日期:2007-05-06]   [字体: ]

I. 翻译下列各组对话
1. —你认为我应该做的第一件事是什么?


2. —告诉我你不在时,我如何照看你的狗。


3. —你能告诉我做实验时要注意些什么吗?


4. —我最近眼睛感觉不舒服。我该怎么做?


5. —还有我要注意的吗?


II. 补全对话
 M: Mrs. Wang, I've been having a lot of problems doing the listening test. Could you give me some instructions?
 W: Taking listening tests needs special techniques. First,    1   . Second,    2   ,  never  let  it trouble you and keep thinking back about it. Third,     3   .
 M: Taking notes won't work for me because I can't write very fast.
 W    4   .
 M: It sounds so easy for you.
 W: Yes, it is easier said than done. You need a lot of practice. Besides,     5   .Good luck.
 M: Thank you so much for your help.

 A. don't get nervous when you take the listening test
 B. you need to pay attention to it
 C. If you can't write down, you needn't do it
 D. when you listen to long passages, you might take a few notes on the most important information on who, when, what, why and how
 E. I'm sure you'll do it well in future
 F. if you don't understand something, just leave it alone
 G. You needn't write the whole sentence but only a few words


I. 1. —What do you think is the first thing I should do? —First, you have to make a phone call.
    2. —Tell me how to look after your dog when you're away. —First, don't forget to feed it three times a day. Next, take it out for a walk at 5:30 p.m.
    3. —Could you tell me what I should pay attention to while doing the experiment? —Do as the teacher tells you to. Don't touch anything unless the teacher allows you to.
    4. —I have felt uncomfortable with my eyes recently. What should I do? —You must do eye exercises several times a day and don't read for a long time.
    5. —Anything else I should pay attention to? —Don't read in poor light and don't hold your books too close to your eyes.


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