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[日期:2007-05-02]   [字体: ]



二、单项选择(共1 5小题,计分15)


21. Hong Kong is ________ the south of China, and Macao(澳门) is________ the west of Hong Kong.

A. in; to B. to; to C. to; in D. in; in

22. Few of us like him because he thinks ________ of

others than of himself.

A, much more B. a little C. much D. much less

23. He used to________ very late, but now he is used to________ early.

A. get up; getting up B. get up; get up

C. getting up; get up D. getting up; getting up

24. It was very late. She stopped the children from ________TV.

A. watches B. to watch C. watched D. watching

25,Could you tell me________?

A. which room he lives B. which room he lived

C. which room did he live in D. which room he lives in

26. Which of the following does paper burn in?

A.CO2 B.N2 C.O2 D.H2

27. Tom ate nothing this morning.________.

A. Nor Kate did B. So did Kate C. So Kate did D. Neither did Kate

28.-Mr GREen is ill today.

A. OK B. I'm sorry to hear that

C. He is too poor D. I'm sorry

29. -Would you like to go out for a walk with us?

A. That's right B. Yes, I'd like C. Of course not D. I'd love to

30. -Please give my best wishes to your grandfather.

-_______. I will.

A. Not at all B. Thank you C. I don't think D. Sorry

31. -What do you say when you are in danger?


A. Please B. Help C. I'm afraid D. 110

32. -Happy Children's Day, torn.

-_______, Mum.

A. That's all right B. The same to you C. Oh. Really? D. Thank you

33.-I'm sorry I broke your glasses.

-Oh. Really? _______.

A. It doesn't matter B. It's OK with me

C. I don't care D. Don't be sorry

34.-Can you use MSN to _______ messages on the net?

-Sorry, I can't, Will you show me how________ it.

A. send; to use B. take; to send C. give; I use D. make; I do


-I'm looking for a present for my daughter.

A. Can you help me

B. What can I do for you

C. What do you want

D. How much is the present



Many children act in TV shows. They work several hours everyday. 36 they cannot go to regular(正规的) 37 . How do they get their schooling?

In Hollywood, about forty 38 give lessons for the children. Their work is very 39 . They make sure that the child 40 many different subjects. They make sure, 41 in TV shows any longer.


TV children are usually 45 pupils, and most of their teachers 46 this kind of work. They give the pupils 47 in many interesting 48 . Sometimes the "classroom" is a Mississippi 49 . Sometimes it is the inside of a spaceship. Often the pupils become 50 stars.

36. A. So B. Because C. But D. For

37. A. farm B. factory C. school D. cinema

38. A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. players

39. A. important B. interesting C. nice D. good

40.A. learns B. knows C. forgets D. loves

41. A. still B. yet C. too D. already

42. A. money B. rest C. study D, practice

43. A. days B. months C. weeks D. hours

44. A. sit B. study C. work D, teach

45. A. bad B. good C. busy D. lonely

46. A. like B. hate C. follow D. think

47.A. pencils B. pens C. lessons D. books

48. A. places B. parks C. markets D. rooms

49. A. bus B. train C. car D. boat

50. A. lucky B. healthy C. famous D. bright

四、阅读理解 (共30小题.计分30)



It was half past seven in the morning. The telephone bell rang and Mary went to answer it. "Hello, who's that? "she asked.

"It's me"--Peter.

Peter was a friend of Mary's brother, Johnny.

"Oh, hello, Peter. What do you want?" said Mary.

"Can I speak to Johnny?"

"No, "said Mary, "you can't speak to him now. He is busy. He is getting ready for school. He is eating his breakfast. Grandmother is combing his hair, Sister is under the table, putting his shoes on. Mother is getting his books and putting them in his schoolbag. Goodbye. I've got to go now. I have to hold the door open, the school bus in coming."

What do you think of the story? Are you sometimes like Johnny? If so, you need to change your habits.

51. When did the telephone bell ring in the morning? It rang at_______.

A.7:00 B.7:30 C.8:00 D.8:30

52. Mary was Johnny's_______.

A. teacher B. friend C. mother D. sister

53. What was Johnny doing at that moment? He was .

A. putting on his shoes B. holding the door open

C. eating his breakfast D. answering the telephone

54. How many people can you find in the story?

A. Three B. Four C. Six D. Seven


We know the time by watches and clock. Switzerland can give the best of them in the world. So it is called "Watch kingdom". People in the country recently invented a new type of clock-air clock.

This kind of clock needn't to be wound up(上弦) or put a battery in. Under normal condition, it can keep on going for 600 years. It is sealed(密封) in a box made of a transparent (透明的) plastic film, which expands or contracts according to changing temperatures, the clock goes on and on by itself. The one deGREe up or down in temperature of Centigrade(摄氏) can keep it running 48 hours.

Now, the Swiss government takes the clock as a national gift to honored guests from other countries.

55. Switzerland is called "Watch kingdom" because .

A. they can make the best watches and clocks in the world

B. there are many watches in the country

C. they can invent new kinds of watches or clocks

D. its government like to give the watches to guests from other countries

56. The new clock________.

A. need to be wound up every day

B. need to be put a battery in

C. need not to be wound up or put a battery in

D. need not to be set in a special place

57. This kind of, new clock has something to do with

A. position B. colour C. size D. temperature

58. Swiss government gives the clock to the guests from other countries because________.

A. it is very new

B. they like to show off(炫耀)

C. it is looked as a national gift

D. it is very expensive

59. The best title for this passage is________.

A. Watch Kingdom B. Switzerland

C. Switzerland and Its Clocks D. Air Clock


(China Daily, March 3, 2003)
The biggest shopping center will open on March 8. Everybody with today's China Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome. Telephone: 38990688; Address: No. 6 Xidan Road......

English Newspaper needs a foreign editor. He (she) must have worked in China for more than 2 years. British nationality is necessary. The salary is $ 100, 000 a year. The term is 3 years. In ten days this piece of advertisement will be not useful.
Telephone: 38900666;
Address : No. 6 Xinling Road......?

(CHINA FOOTBALL, February 3,2001)
Shanghai Shenhua Team Vs Beijing Guo'an Team
TIME: February 8,Sunday(3:00)
PLACE : Hongkou Stadium
TICKET PRICE;RMB:25 yuan(for adults) RMB: 15 yuan( for students)
NAME : China Cup Football Contest
COACHES: Xu Genbao. Jin Zhiyang...

60. If someone has a China Daily of March 3,2003,he will get a small present________.

A. every day B. from China Daily

C. on March 8,2003 D. On March 3,2003

61. If a British editor has worked in China for 3 years and come to English Newspaper office to ask for the job on April 1, he will________.

A. get the job B. not get the job

C. be a good editor D. be not useful

62. English Newspaper's editor must be ________

working in China for more than 2 years.

A. an Australia B. an American

C. a Chinese D. an Englishman

63. Where and when will the football match be?

A. In Hongkou Stadium on Sunday.

B. In Hongkou Stadium on February 3.

C. In Guo'an on February 8.

D. In Shenhua Stadium on February 8.

64. The British editor will work in the paper office for

A. a year B. over two years

C. three years D. ten days

65. If three adults and six students want to watch the match, the tickets will cost RMB________ yuan.

A. 165 B.135 C.195 D.225

66. Which of the following is not true?

A. The shopping center is at No. 6 Xidan Road.

B. The telephone number of English newspaper is 38900666.

C. The match is between Beijing Team and Guo'an Team.

D. Xu Genbao is a coach.


If you have a problem with speaking, you can do several things. Listen to English as much as possible. You can learn a poem or a song by heart. You can also learn more dialogues. And practise speaking with your friends as much as you can.

Many people find it difficult to listen to English, The answer is, to listen as much as you can. However, don't do too much at one time. It is better to practise listening for five minutes every day. Don't sit down and listen for an hour at a time. That's too much! Do choose listening passages that are interesting and not too difficult. Choose tapes on which the people speak clearly and not too fast. Take it easy at first. Success with simple tapes at the beginning is the answer. Later on you can practise with tapes that are more difficult.

Finally, how can you learn to write well? How do you use little words like in, on,of and for? There are two answers to this. First, do some study with new words. Keep a list of verb like look for, look after and so ,on. Second, read as much English as possible. There are many things that can't be learnt. You must see them in books

many times. Then you'll be able to use them correctly (IE e) yourself. So, in order to write well, you must first learn to read much.

67. This passage is about English________.

A. spelling, listening, grammar and reading

B. listening, speaking, reading and writing

C. taking exams, pronunciation, reading and writing

D. pronunciation, reading, listening and writing

68. If you________, you can speak well.

A. learn more dialogues

B. learn a poem or a song by heart

C. practise speaking with your friends as much as you can

D. all above

69. Which of the following is right according to the passage?

A. It's better to listen to English for a long time everyday.

B. At the beginning, you'd better choose the tapes on which the people speak quickly.________

C. At first you should begin with simple tapes for listening.

D. Few people think it hard to listen to English.

70. Which of the following ways can help you to improve your written English?

A. Buy a book of writing practice.

B. Read as much as possible.

C. Do some study with new words.

D. Both B and C.


The Pope(罗马教皇) flew into New York for a church meeting. He was running very late and decided to take a taxi. He asked the driver if he could drive him from the airport across town in 15 minutes. The taxi driver, having recognized the Pope, quickly aGREed.

However, two miles into the trip the Pope noticed that the taxi driver was driving very very slowly. The driver couldn't concentrate on driving because he was too excited about the Pope riding in his car. Finally, getting very worried and not wanting to be late for his meeting, the Pope asked the driver if he could drive. The driver pulled over and changed seats with the Pope.

The Pope began driving over 100 mph and weaving around to slow traffic to help him gain some time. It wasn't long before a police officer noticed and pulled the taxi over. As the officer .walked up next to the car, he immediately noticed the Pope and quickly turned back to his own car.

The officer radioed to his captain, "Sir, I have a problem here, I think that I have pulled over someone very very important."

" Is it the New York Mayor?" says the captain.

"No, I think this man is more important, "answered the officer.

"More important than the Mayor? Who did you pull

over, the President?" asked the captain.

The officer thought for a second and then answered "No, I think that this man is even more important than the President."

"Who in the whole world can he more important than the President "Said the captain.

"Well, sir, I don't know who he is, but the Pope is his driver.

71. How far is it from the airport to the church?

A. About 25 miles. B. About 50 miles. C. About 100 miles. D. About 150 miles.

72. Why didn't the Pope take his own car to the meeting? A. He didn't want to be noticed by other people.

B. Something was wrong with his driver.

C. His car was broken halfway,

D. The story didn't tell us about it.

73. What does the phrase "pull over" mean in the passage?

A. Come up to. B. Stop.

C. Put away. D. Ask to come.

74. Why did the police officer turn back quickly to his own car?

A. He thought he had made a mistake.

B. He wanted to make a report to his captain.

C. He didn't want to trouble the Pope.

D. He thought the Pope had driven too fast.

75. Which of the following is not true?

A. The driver was too excited to drive fast enough.

B. The Pope changed seats with the driver so that the policemen wouldn't trouble him.

C. The Pope didn't know the traffic rules well in New

York. D. The captain didn't know who the important person was.


Kate; Lucy's coming to our house for lunch tomorrow.76

Mum: Yes. But you must help me do the cooking, Kate.

Kate; Certainly, Mum.

77 Mum: What about fried chicken?

Kate: I know she eats fried chicken at home quite often. Mum: Oh! 78

Kate: You mean some English food? Mum; 79

Kate: Shall I go and buy some fish and chips, Mum? Mum; 80

76. A. Are you busy then, Mum?

B. Are you free then, Mum?

C. What shall we do?

D. Do you know?

77. A. What shall we do? B. Where shall we go?

C. What shall we cook? D. When shall we go there?

78. A. Let's give her less to eat.

B. Let's give her more to eat.

C. Let's give her more to drink.

D. Let's give her something different to eat this time.

79. A. Yes, we'll do something.

B. Yes, we'll cook something English.

C. Yes, we'll do some cooking.

D. Yes, we'll cook something Chinese.

80.A.Yes,please B. That's good.

C. Thank you very much D. OK. Let's go.




1. The doctor told the patient how to keep h________.

2.1 like ball games very much, but my f________ sport is playing basketball.

3. It's snowing h________. You must drive carefully.

4. Eating more v________ and fruit is good for your body.

5.Do you know the teacher with thick g________? She reads too much everyday.

6. -Who's teaching you skating?

-Nobody. We're learning it o________.

7. Is there anything to drink? I am very t________.

8. The boy wrote so c________ that he didn't notice it began to rain.

9. He stood there (安静地) with a smile on his face.

10.1 have a nice clock. It has a________(圆的) face.

11.The speaker told her________(不要出) noise.

12.I________(很l) know him because he is my uncle.

13. -Can you see Helen?

-Yes, she's over there, standing________(在...中) her many friends.

14. We've been there_______(两次) before.

15. All of us felt_______(惊奇的) when we saw such a

little girl speak very good English.

16. There are some________(不同) between American English and British English.



Since 1946,one of the most important inventions had been the computer. It has been changing all our lives.

The first computer 1 (build) in 1946. It 2 (be) as large as a room and very difficult and slow 3 (use) - But since the invention of silicon "chip"(硅片), computers 4 (become) smaller, easier and faster to operate. Some computers 5 (be) as small as TV sets. Some can even 6 (make) smaller than a book. And computers 7 (get) smaller and smaller all the time. Who knows what the computers of tomorrow 8 (be) like?

There 9 (be) several reasons(原因) why the computer is useful to us. First, a lot of information(信息) can 10 (put) into computers. Second, the computer 11 ( work) very quickly-thousands of times faster than a man-and it will not be tired. Third, modern computers can be built into other kinds of machines, like radios, cars and planes. So today people can spend less time 12 (do) more work with a computer.



1. A: Tom had no time for breakfast. He went to school in a hurry.

B: Tom _____ to school________ breakfast.

2. A: All the students in our class are Chinese except torn.

B:________ Tom is a________ in our class.

3. A: Jim asked us, "Does Mrs GREen enjoy living in China?"

B: Jim wanted to know________ Mrs GREen________ living in China.

4. A: Remember to ring me up as soon as you get to London.

B: Make________ to give me a ring as soon as you ________London.

5. A: The factory is not far from here. It only takes you ten minutes by bike.

B: The factory is _____ here. It's only ten minutes'

6. A: Everyone should give back his library books on time.

B: Library books should_________________ on time.







It was Mother's Day yesterday.


TIME at 6 : 30 last Saturday

PLACE Jack's home

WHAT TO DO were invited (应聘 )to go to Jack's s birthday, have a party

HOW TO DO bring some stamps, sing, dance ,have a good timeLast Saturday was Jack's birthday.

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