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[日期:2007-05-02]   [字体: ]


Our earth is round like a ball. There're a lot of things in the world.For example,som e are delicious to eat,some are interesting to play with,some are important to do,and so on. They are all parts of our lives.They make the world beautiful.Long long ago,the world became more beautiful because another thing came to this world,that was music.

Music is a wonderful thing.It can make our lives m ore interesting.It makes us happy every day. It m akes us feel pleased.Sometimes it can make friends of ours more and more friendly.

There are lots of different kinds of music in the world such as the music in the west part of America,classical music,Jazz, Rock'n Roll,and so on.They are all very popular in every corner of the world.

If you love music,I'm sure you are happy all the time.When you are tired,you can listen to music and have a short rest,you'll feel relaxed.When you are angry,you can listen to a pleasant song.It'll make you happier and you'll forget the things that made you angry.

If you don't like m usic at all, that's a pity.Maybe your life is happy but it will always be full of work.But do you want to live this kind of life?I advise you to love music from now on.It's beautiful. It is an important part of your life.

How beautiful music is!

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