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[日期:2007-05-02]   [字体: ]

The Red Cross exists in almost every country around the globe.The world Red Cross organizations are sometimes called the Red Crescent,the Red Mogen David,the Sun,and the Red Lion.

    The idea of forming an organization to help the sick and wounded during a war started with Jean Henri Dunant.In 1859,he observed how people were suffering on a battle field in Italy.He wanted to help all the wounded people regardless of which side they were fighting for.The most important result of his work was an international treaty(条约)called the Geneva Convention(会议).It protects prisoners of war,the sick and wounded,and other citizens during a war.

    The American Red Cross was set up by Clara Barton in 1881.Today the Red Cross in the United States provides a number of services for the public,such as helping people in need,teaching first aid,and providing blood.

    1.A good title for this selection is __________.

    A.The International Red Cross B.Safety at Home and School

    C.Clara Barton and the Sun

    D.Jean Henri Dunant and the Red Cross

    2.“First aid”in the last sentence means“__________”.

    A.treatment given at once to an injured or sick person

    B.first lesson given by the Red Cross

    C.important lesson for the sick and wounded

    D.good help and take good care of

    3.The person who had the idea of this organization was __________.

    A.Cross B.Dunant C.Barton D.Lion

    4.The author really tries to make the reader see that this organization __________.

    A.costs very little money B.teaches first aid if necessary

    C.provides blood D.works in many nations

    5.The American Red Cross was organized __________.

    A.in 1881  B.during the First World War

    C.in 1859  D.during the Civil War

    参考答案:1.A 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A

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