We use clocks to measure time.Inside every clock there is a special part that works at the same,regular speed.In electric clocks it is a regular electrical signal.This controls the speed at which the hands move,or how often the numbers on the display change.Some older clocks have a swinging pendulum to move the hands at a regular speed.
△Clocks come in all shapes and sizes. Many are battery-powered.Some watches are“digital”.This means the time is shown as numbers in a window.Other watches have a dial and hands.
△A pendulum is a weight on the end of a string or rod. Each swing of the pendulum takes exactly the same time.
△This old-fashioned grandfather clock has a long pendulum to control the speed of its hands.
△Inside this watch there is a spring that is wound up very tightly. As it unwinds,it moves tiny wheels called cogs,and these m ove the hands.The wheels,springs and cogs are so sm all that watch-menders have to use fine tweezers to repair or move them .
△Long ago,people used sundials instead of clocks. The dial is marked in hours. The sun shines on the pointer,which casts a shadow.This shows you the time.