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第13单元英语"四位一体"听力同步验收题 答案

[日期:2007-04-26]   [字体: ]



I. 1. Do you want a quick snack before you go out?

2. Cut up the old tree for your winter fuel.

3. I feel it’s important to keep up with current events.

4. The paint is starting to peel off where the wall is damp.

5. Carbohydrate is a substance in food such as sugar, potatoes, etc that gives your body energy.

II. M: Let’s go and get something to eat.

W: Oh, I’m starving. Hey, there’s a McDonald’s up ahead.

M: There’s always a McDonald’s up ahead. Everywhere you turn there’s another McDonald’s.

W: What’s wrong with that? Hey, they’re convenient.

M: They are too convenient! Anything would be convenient if it could be found on every street corner. I’m just sick of seeing the M everywhere I turn.

W: I like McDonald’s.

M: I’m sick of McDonald’s. Do you know that there are over 8,000 McDonald’s restaurants in the U.S. alone and over 11,000 restaurants worldwide? By the year 2020, everyone will eat at McDonald’s every day!

W: They’re definitely everywhere. They’ve sold over 100 billion burgers.

Key: 1—5 CBBBA

III. People all over the world eat rice. Millions of people in Asia, Africa, and South America eat it every day of their lives. Some people eat almost nothing but rice.

Rice is a kind of grass. There are more than seven thousand (7,000) kinds of rice. Most kinds are water plants. Farmers grow rice in many countries, even in the southern part of the United States and in eastern Australia.

No one really knows where rice came from. Some scientists think it started to grow in two places. They think that one kind of rice GREw in southern Asia thousands of years ago. Someone in China wrote about it almost five thousand (5,000) years ago. Another kind probably grew in West Africa. Other scientists think rice came from India, and Indian travelers took it to other parts of the world.

There are two main ways to grow rice. Upland rice grows in dry soil. Most rice grows in wet soil. People in many countries do all of the work by hand. This is the same way farmers worked hundreds of years ago. Some countries now use machines on their rice farms. The farmers all use fertilizer. Some insects are enemies of rice. Farmers poison them.

People use every part of the rice plant. They make animal feed and rice oil from it. They also make baskets, brooms, rugs and roofs for their houses. They burn dry ice plants for cooking.

Key: 1—5 TFTFT

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