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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]

* I did a good deed.(我做了一件好事。)

* Learn from Comrade Lei Feng.(向雷锋同志学习。)

* We work in the interests of socialism.(我们为社会主义而工作。)

* We should defend and build our motherland.(我们应该保卫祖国,建设祖国。)

* Best wishes.(致以最良好的祝愿!)

* Celebrate New Year's Day!(庆祝元旦!)

* Time flies like an arrow.In ten days it will be the New Year.(光阴似箭。再过十天就是新年了。)

* There will be performances on New Year Eve.(除夕要举行文艺晚会。)

* I made New Year calls this morning.(今早我去拜年。)

* February 14 is the beginning of Spring.(二月十四日立春。)

* It is Women's Day today.(今天是妇女节。)

* It is April Fools' Day today.(今天是愚人节。)

* It is May Day today.(今天是“五·一”劳动节。)

* Celebrate May 1,International Labour Day .(庆祝“五·一”国际劳动节。)

* Attend the“May Day”celebration.(参加“五·一”庆祝活动。)

* The whole school is busy preparing for the May Day celebrations.(全校师生都忙着准备“五·一”庆祝活动。)

* Commemorate“May 4”,Youth Day.(纪念“五·四”青年节。)

* It is Children's Day!(今天是“六·一”儿童节。)

* Celebrate July 1,the Party's birthday.(庆祝“七·一”党的生日。)

* The Communist Party of China was founded in Shanghai on July 1,1921.(中国共产党于1921年7月1日在上海成立。)

* Celebrate the 75th Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party.(庆祝中国共产党成立75周年。)

* Summer has come.(盛夏来到。)

* Celebrate Army Day !(庆祝“八·一”建军节。)

* The first of September is the first day of our new term.(九月一日是开学的第一天。)

* Autumn is a season of harvest.(秋天是收获的季节。)

* September 10 is Teachers' Day.(九月十日是教师节。)

* Serve the people heart and soul.(全心全意为人民服务。)

* National Day is drawing near.(国庆节快到了。)

* The school is preparing for National Day Celebrations.(学校正忙着准备国庆活动。)

* The weather is cold,the trees are bare and the ground frozen.(天气寒冷,树木光秃秃的,大地都冻结了。)

* The river has frozen .(河里结冰了。)

* It snowed all day.(整天都下着雪。)

* It was blowing hard.(风刮得很猛。)

* It is getting warmer and warmer.(天气变得越来越暖和。)

* It was rather hot a week ago,but it has become quite cool now.(一周以前天气很热,但现在却凉快了。)

* Spring is really very pleasant,neither too hot nor too cold.(春天气候宜人,既不冷也不热。)

* The days are getting shorter and shorter.(天渐渐短了。)

* The winds are getting cooler.(风渐渐变凉爽了。)

* Autumn is over and winter has set in .(秋去冬来。)

* We enjoyed ourselves.(我们玩得愉快。)

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