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Mrs Smith: Has Mr West sold his house yet?
Mrs Brown: Yes, he has. He sold it last week.
Mrs Smith: Has he moved to his new house yet?
Mrs Brown: No, not yet. He’s still here. He’s going to move tomorrow.
Mrs Smith: When? Tomorrow morning?
Mrs Brown: No. Tomorrow afternoon. I’ll miss him. He has always been a good neighbour.
Mrs GREen: He’s a very nice person. We shall all miss him.
Mrs Smith; When will the new people move into this house?
Mrs Brown: I think that they will move in the day after tomorrow.
Mrs GREen: Will you see Mr West today, Mrs Brown?
Mrs Brown: Yes, I will.
Mrs GREen: Please give him my regards. (give one’s regards to sb.向sb.问候)
Mr Smith: Poor Mr West! He didn’t want to leave this house.
Mrs Brown: No, he didn’t want to leave, but his wife did!