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Mr Wood: Is my car ready yet?
Attendant: I don’t know, sir. What’s the licence number of your car?
Mr Wood: It’s LFZ 312 G.
Attendant: When did you bring it to us?
Mr Wood: I bought it hear three days ago.
Attendant: Ah yes, I remember now.
Mr Wood: Have your mechanics finished yet?
Attendant: No, they’re still working on it. Let’s go into the garage and have a look at it.
Attendant: Isn’t that your car?
Mr Wood: Well, it was my car.
Attendant: Didn’t your wife have a crash?
Mr Wood: That’s right. She drove it into a lamp post(电线杆). Can your mechanics repair it?
Attendant: Well, they’re trying to repair it, sir. But to tell you the truth, you need a new car.