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幽默笑话-[英语幽默] Texzan Jokes

[日期:2006-09-23]   [字体: ]
      They say the only reason Texas doesn''t fall into the Gulf of Mexico is because Oklahoma sucks. The dumbest man in Oklahoma moved to Texas, raising the average IQ of both states. ghasting@halcyon.com GREg Hastings

Awhile ago, when Texans began to invade Rocky Mountain ski resorts, a popular bumper sticker read: "If God Had Meant For Texans To Ski, He Would Have Made Bullshit White".

Around Guthrie Oklahoma, they tell the story of the visitor from Texas who was bigger than any man they had ever seen. Unfortunately, he fell sick. When he was obviously on his deathbed, the undertaker got worried. He didn''t have a coffin big enough to fit him in stock.

The undertaker took his worries to the doctor. Who understood.

Doc gave Tex an enema, and the next day they buried him in a shoebox.

A Texan was visiting South of the border, when he heard a Mexican say, "Loco Gringo!" "You have to remember," he replied'' "That there is a fine line between genius and insanity,"

"Yes. We call it the Rio Grande."

He had a smile like a Texas river. A mile wide and an inch deep. There is a story that the devil once owned Texas. You can understand why he preferred to live in Hell.


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