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幽默笑话-[英语幽默] Afraid of Bees

[日期:2006-09-23]   [字体: ]
      A farmer and his wife decide to sell their land so they can move to Florida and retire. A prospective buyer comes by and likes the place, but there''s only one problem: He''s deathly afraid of bees and, on a tour of the property, he noticed a lot of them.

The farmer says, "There''s always been bees around here, but in the 30 years I''ve owned the farm, I''ve never been stung once. I''ll tell you what. "Take off your clothes and let me tie you to that tree over there. If you''re stung by a single bee, I''ll give you the farm for nothing. But if you don''t get stung, you have to buy the farm at my asking price."

The guy figures the possibility of a free farm is too good to pass up, so he aGREes to the farmer''s deal. The farmer ties him naked to the tree and goes to work in the fields. A few hours later, the farmer returns, only to find the man in a state of total exhaustion. He''s a complete wreck. His knees are buckling and the only things holding him up are the tiny straps securing him to the tree trunk. The farmer is shocked. "What on earth happened to you? You''re a mess! Did the bees get you?"

"No," says the man, "but doesn''t that Calf have a mother?"


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