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经典英文电影台词精选 Spiderman 蜘蛛侠

[日期:2006-09-15]   [字体: ]

Harry: M.J. Would you stop goofing around?

M.J.: Harry, relax!

Harry: He''s here.

Aunt: Are you ready?

Osburn: Aunt May. I''m sorry, I''m late. Work was a murder. I picked up a fruitcake.

Aunt: Thank you, Mr. Osburn. We''re so glad you could come.

Harry: You look GREat.

M.J.: Thanks.

Osburn: Who is this lovely young lady?

Harry: M.J., I''d like you to meet my father, Norman Osburn. Dad, this is Mary Jane Watson.

M.J.: Hi.

Osburn: How do you do? I''ve been looking forward to meeting you.

M.J.: Happy Thanksgiving, sir.

Aunt: Where is Peter? He''d better have remembered that cranberry sauce.

Harry: Oh, that''s weird. I didn''t know he was here.

Aunt: Peter? Peter? Is that you?

Osburn: Peter?

Aunt: How strange! There''s nobody here.

Osburn: Bit of slob, isn''t he?

Aunt: All the brilliant men are.

Peter: Hi, everyone. Sorry, I was late. It''s a jungle out there. Had to beat an old lady with a stick to get these cranberries.

Aunt: Thank you, now everybody, sit down and we can say grace.

Osburn: Parker.

Aunt: Here we go.

M.J.: Oh, it looks delicious.

Aunt: Norman? Will you do the honors?

Aunt: Why? Peter! You are bleeding.

Peter: Oh, yeah, I stepped off a curb and got clipped by one of those bike messengers.

Aunt: Let me see. Oh, my goodness! That looks awful.

Peter: It''s nothing.

Aunt: I''ll get the first aid kit. Then we will say the grace. This is the boys'' first Thanksgiving here and we are going to do things properly.

Osburn: How did you say this happend?

Peter: Bike messenger. Knocked me down.

Osburn: If you''ll excuse me, I''ve got to be going.

Harry: What? Why?

Osburn: Something has come to my attention.

Harry: Are you all right?

Osburn: I''m fine, just fine. Thank you Mrs. Parker. Everyone, enjoy the fruitcake.

1. goof around 闲逛,玩耍
2. look forward to doing something 盼望着做某事。
例句:I''m looking foward to going to Hawaii. 我盼着去夏威夷。
3. bit of slob, 口语中常用,应该是He is a bit of slob. 他有点懒。
4. first aid kit急救药箱,是欧美家庭必备品。
5. Something has come to my attention. 我突然有点事。


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