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Telephone 电话用语

[日期:2006-08-29]   [字体: ]

A: Good morning. United Airline.

B: Hello. I'd like to speak to Mr. Reynolds.

A: I'm sorry he's not in right now. Would you like to leave a message?


A: May I help you? Bank of America.

B: I'm trying to contact a friend Fred Ashley.

A: Just a moment. I'm afraid we have no one by that name, sir.

B: I see. Thank you.


A: Alitalia Airlines, sir.

B: Extension 5578, please.

A: One moment, please.


A: This is Dr. Wood's office.

B: Is this 792-3021?

A: No, this is 792-3025


A: Could you connect me with the reservation office?

B: Hold the line a minute, I'll connect you.


A: What number are you calling?

B: Area code 415,823-7996.


A: I'd like to make a collect call to 352-3558.

B: Who shall I say is phoning?


A: Operator.

B: Hello. I'd like to make an international phone call to Tokyo.


A: Will this be person to person or station to station?

B: Person to person.

A: Who would you like to speak to?

B: Tracy Morgan.


A: Long distance, please. Person to person to Jack Nielsen. The number is 335-7216.

B: Area code?

A: Oh! It's in Jackson, Mississippi.


A: What city, please?

B: Chicago. Eric Weizman. It's on Jackson Drive.

A: Just a moment, please. The number is 197-2700.


A: Operator, could you please get me 812-7986 in San Francisco?

B: You can dial that direct, sir.


A: Number, please?

B: 337-7554.

A: Sorry, sir. The line is busy. Will you hold on?

B: No, I'll call back later.


A: What is your billing?

B: This call is collect.


A: Hello?

B: hello. May I speak to Tim, please?

A: I'm afraid you have the wrong number.

B: I am sorry.


A: How would you like this call to be billed?

B: Collect.


A: Hello, this is Ted. May I speak to Peter?

B: Just a minute, please. I'll see if he's in.

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