★63.The morning news says a school bus __________ with a train at the junction and a group of policemen were sent there immediately.A.bumped 【bumped against/on 运动物体撞静止物体(bump car)】★B.collided 【collide with 两个运动的物体相撞 两国冲突】C.crashed 飞机失事 砸碎 打碎 崩溃【关于崩溃的词:crumple、collapse(倒塌)】D.struck【strick 打击、stikingly 令人惊讶地】boost you upa bundle of pundits 一捆牛人fist 拳头two-fisted sportsman 全能运动员【two-fisted 左右开弓】bite 咬着morphine 麻醉剂hypnosis 催眠bite the bullets 咬住子弹(忍受无端痛苦)answer:B
64.Sometimes patients (分词短语做定语)suffering from severe pain can be helped by "drugs" that aren't really drugs at all ______ sugar pills that contain no active chemical elements.(连词)★A.or ratherB.rather thanC.but rather【no…but rather 不是而是】D.other thansevere:严重的relieve 缓解sugar pills 糖片therapy 疗法remedy 解决问题地方法 治愈疾病的方法comedy 喜剧★★【常考连词】or…raher = accurately speaking (用在句中)A rather than B 宁要A不要Bif = provided that (如果)all alone (副词)独自独立地all the + 形容词比较级(更加 越来越)【副词 连接副词】e.g. You will be all the better for a holiday.你渡一次假会更好。for certain = certianlyfor all that 后面跟从句 = despite that 尽管 虽然in that = becauselet alone 至于…更不用说 = not to mention thatbut for = except for ; without 莫非要不是but that = except that 后面跟从句but then = on the other handnow that 既然(用于句首)answer:C
65. We are writing to the manager _______ the repairs recently carried out at the above address.(短语)A.with the exception of 【exception 除了】B.with the purpose of 【purpose 以…为目的】C.with reference to = refer to (提到)D.with a view to【view 观点 不是风景】介词+名词+介词 只看中间地名词^^^^prefer 更喜欢preference n 倾向right-handed preferenceanswer:C
66.When I said goodbye to her, she _________ the door.(短语题 错题 题意不清楚)A.saw me at 在门口看着我B.set me off (set off 开始做… 动身启程到…)C.sent me to (人不能用sent 打发的意思)【sent Tim to Lejing Tim是一只dog】D. showed me to (show sb to the door 把某人送到门口)按照英美国家的礼仪,送客人只送到门口answer:D
67.In the meantime,the question facing business is whether such research is __________ the costs.(永不再考题型)A.worthB.worth of 【sth.(sb.) worth of 钱的数目】C.worthyD.worthwhile●●trustworthiness 可信度trust 信任度worthy 值得ness 名词后缀trusetworthy 值得信任的credit card 信用卡credibility 信用反意:liar 外国人最痛恨别人说他liarbe worth something = be worth doing something = be worthy of something = be worthy to be soemthing = be worthy of doing something现在考试所有的 worth 和 worthy 只出现在阅读中answer:A
68.During the nineteen years of his career,France Battiate has won the ____ of a wide audience outside Italy.A.enjoymentB.appreciation 赢得了别人地欣赏C.evaluation 对于抽象意义的评估评价(人的评估评价)【●●assessment (对物品,比如房子多少钱 不能用到评估我这个朋友多少钱)评估 评价 asset 企业的不动产 财产 资产】D.reputation 名声 名望 【fame(famous的名词) prestige 以上均为名声名望】(priviledge 特权)tenor 男高音(意大利语)★appr开头的单词★appreciation 赢得了别人地欣赏★appreciable 可以理解的▲appropriate▲approximate▲appreciationanswer:B
★★69.Although most dreams apparently happen _________, dream activity may be provoked by external influences.(三剑客词汇)★A.spontaneously 自发地 自然冲动地【spon】★B.simultaneously 同时地 adv 【simul】★C.homogeneously 同等地 同样地 同等性质地【semi- ——半 homo- = equal homosexual 同性恋 gene 基因 -geneous 代表性质】D.instantaneously 瞬间灿烂地 昙花一现地apparentlyprovocative▲provoked 激怒 激发elicit 激起ignite 点燃 燃起三剑客词汇 A B Canswer:A
70.He is holding a ________ position in the company and expects to be promoted soon.A.subordinate 初级的 附属的 次要的B.succeeding 继承 成功继续【-ceed = to go (exceed 超越 是一个宗教词)】C.successive 继续的连续的(success 的形容词)D.subsequent 继续连续 (sequence)sub suc 都代表undersubconscious 潜意识的subdue 压制 征服sublime 庄严的崇高的(lime 门框)submarine 潜水艇(yellow submarine)submit -mit = send 提交主张★transmit 传播 transmission nsubscribe 签名 定购 捐助-scribe = write▲describe 描述(记下来)▲prescribe 处方(拿药前)▲substitute 代替品 代理人(先写下来)▲subtitle 字母▲suburb 市郊 农村 【urb 城市】urban 城市urbanization 城市化answer:A六级会考450个单词左右过往的真实考题中题干里的单词拿出来考estimate 估价