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  In spite of the persuasion of Pang Tong and Fa Zheng, Liu Bei steadily refused to sanction the assassination of his host at the banquet, Imperial Protector Liu Zhang, even if thereby he was to gain possession of West River Land.
  The next day there was another banquet, this time in the city of Fucheng, whereat host and guest u
(05/06/2007 09:41:57) [查看全文]
  The man who proposed the plan spoken of in the last chapter was Zhang Song, who belonged to Yizhou and held the small office of Supernumerary Charioteer. He had a broad forehead, protuberant at the temples like a countryman's hoe, and a pointed head. His nose was flat and his teeth protruded. He was a dwarf in stature but had a deep vo
(05/02/2007 08:26:26) [查看全文]
  The fight narrated in the last chapter lasted till morn when each side drew off, Ma Chao camping on the River Wei, whence he kept up harassing attacks both day and night. Cao Cao, also camped in the bed of the same river, began to construct three floating bridges out of his rafts and boats so as to facilitate communication with the sou
(05/02/2007 08:26:11) [查看全文]
  “What is this good plan of yours, friend Chen Qun?” asked Cao Cao of the speaker, who was a civilian in his service.
  Chen Qun replied, “Your two principal enemies——Liu Bei and Sun Quan——are now firm allies, close as lips and teeth. But Liu Bei wants the West River Land and if you, O Prime Minister, send a mighty host against
(05/02/2007 08:25:49) [查看全文]
  In the last chapter it was said that a sudden rage filled the bosom of Zhou Yu, and he fell to the ground. Then he was carried to his boat. It only added to his rage and mortification to be told that Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang could be seen on the top of one of the hills apparently feasting and enjoying some music. He lay grinding his tee
(05/02/2007 08:25:21) [查看全文]
  The ambuscade into which Zhou Yu had fallen had been prepared by the orders of Zhuge Liang and was triple. However, Huang Gai and Han Dang contrived to get clear and found refuge in the ships, though with the loss of many troops. When Zhou Yu was in safety and looked about him, he saw Liu Bei and Lady Sun safely resting on a hilltop. H
(05/02/2007 08:25:01) [查看全文]
  The bridegroom turned pale. Bridal apartments lined with weapons of war and waiting maids armed!
  But the housekeeper of the lady said, “Do not be frightened, O Honorable One! My lady has always had a taste for warlike things, and her maids have all been taught fencing as a pastime. That is all it is.”
  “Not the sort
(04/30/2007 10:18:44) [查看全文]
  Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang went out of the city to welcome the envoy of the South Land and led him to the guest-house.
  After the usual greetings, Lu Su said, “Hearing of the death of your nephew, my lord Sun Quan has prepared some gifts and sent me to take his place at the funeral sacrifices. General Zhou Yu also sends regards t
(04/30/2007 10:18:22) [查看全文]
  What Zhuge Liang required from Zhang Fei was a formal recognition of responsibility for success.
  Said Zhuge Liang, “When Zhao Yun went on his expedition, he gave written guarantee of being responsible for success. You ought to do the same now that you are starting for Wuling. In that case you may have men and start.”
(04/30/2007 10:18:01) [查看全文]
  Zhou Yu's anger at seeing that his rival, Zhuge Liang, had surprised Nanjun, and at hearing the same news of Jingzhou and Xiangyang, was but natural. And this sudden fit of rage caused his wound to reopen. However, he soon recovered. All his officers besought him to accept the situation.
  But he said, “What but the death of th
(04/30/2007 10:17:43) [查看全文]
  Guan Yu would have died there but for his elder brother, who said to Zhuge Liang, “We three pledged ourselves to live and die together. Although my brother Guan Yu has offended, I cannot bear to break our oath. I hope you will only record this against him and let him atone later for the fault by some specially meritorious service.”
(04/30/2007 10:15:22) [查看全文]
  The last chapter closed with Huang Gai in the water wounded, Cao Cao rescued from immediate danger, and confusion rampant among the soldiers. Pressing forward to attack the naval camp, Han Dang was told by his soldiers that someone was clinging to the rudder of his boat and shouting to him by his familiar name. Han Dang listened carefu
(04/28/2007 09:50:46) [查看全文]
  In the last chapter Zhou Yu was seized with sudden illness as he watched the fleets of his enemy. He was borne to his tent, and his officers came in multitudes to inquire after him.
  They looked at each other, saying, “What a pity our general should be taken ill, when Cao Cao's legions threaten so terribly! What would happen i
(04/28/2007 09:50:25) [查看全文]
  In the last chapter Pang Tong was brought up with a sudden shock when someone seized him and said of his scheme. Upon turning to look at the man, Pang Tong saw it was Xu Shu, an old friend, and his heart revived.
  Looking around and seeing no one near, Pang Tong said, “It would be a pity if you upset my plan. The fate of the p
(04/28/2007 09:50:02) [查看全文]
  Kan Ze was from Shanyin, a son of a humble family. He loved books, but as he was too poor to buy, he used to borrow. He had a wonderfully tenacious memory, was very eloquent and no coward. Sun Quan had employed him among his advisers, and he and Huang Gai were excellent friends.
  Now Huang Gai had thought of Kan Ze to present
(04/28/2007 09:49:37) [查看全文]
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