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新华社报道如下: As a drastic measure in response to tightened US sanctions, Cuba said Monday that it will ban transactions in US dollars in the country starting Nov. 8. Under the Central Bank dec (07/18/2006 10:10:18) [查看全文] 以色列空军24日夜至25日清晨用导弹袭击了加沙地带南部巴勒斯坦城镇汗尤尼斯,造成16人死亡,至少60多人受伤。另有2名以色列士兵受重伤。
新华社报道如下: Medics at Nasser Hospital in the city of Khan Younis said that the 11 Palestinian bodies reached to the hospital torn-off limbs and the 60 wounded are between serious and moderate conditions. They said that three Palestinians were killed in the ea (07/18/2006 10:10:17) [查看全文] 2004年10月24日的《华盛顿邮报》披露说,美国中央情报局(CIA)在过去的6个月中已经将十多名囚犯从伊拉克境内转移到了外国。一些专家指出,美国政府的这种行为违背了国际法。《华盛顿邮报》援引一位匿名情报官员的话说,中央情报局对国际红十字会和其他机构隐瞒了这些囚犯的存在。不过中情局的解释是,它这么做的依据是美国司法部的一份秘密备忘录。 新华社消息: The CIA has used a memo drafted by the Justice Department to secretly transport as many as a dozen detainees out of Iraq in the last six months, a pra (07/18/2006 10:10:15) [查看全文] 据报道,2004年,德国外交部将加强对签证的控制,以加强安全警戒,杜绝签证办理领域的某些不规范现象。
新华社报道如下: The German foreign ministry will tighten its control over visa-granting to strengthen safety and eliminate irregularity in the field, local media reported Sunday. New rules will be implemented shortly in all German embassies and consulates, German News A (07/18/2006 10:10:12) [查看全文] 2004年10月23日上午,伊拉克西部发生一起自杀式汽车炸弹爆炸事件,造成至少20人死亡,多人受伤。据悉,爆炸事件的起因是美军下令逮捕盖达恐怖组织成员在伊拉克的领导人扎卡维的一名高级副官。
新华社报道如下: As many as 20 people were killed on Saturday in suicide car bomb attacks in Iraq with dozens of others wounded amid US claim of the arrest of a senior aide to Washington's top foe, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. The US (07/18/2006 10:10:10) [查看全文] 2004年10月21日,第59届联大法律委员会就“禁止克隆人”国际公约议题再次举行辩论,试图为启动有关该公约的谈判扫清障碍。但从两天的辩论情况看,各国对拟议中公约的范围,即如何看待治疗性克隆问题分歧依旧。这一对立局面,再加上美国总统大选等因素,可能使各国期望今年就禁止克隆人国际公约问题达成一致的愿望再度落空。
新华社报道如下: The 191 United Nations member states remain deeply divided on whether to ban all forms of human cloning after winding up a two-day debate here on Friday. (07/18/2006 10:10:08) [查看全文] 一名不希望透露名字的北约官员2004年10月20日透露,北约下个月将在挪威和德国培训一批伊拉克军官。
外电报道如下: NATO will begin training Iraqi officers in Norway and Germany next month, as part of a NATO mission offered to the new interim government in Baghdad, officials said Wednesday. Some 20 senior Iraqi army officers will travel to Stavanger in southwestern Nor (07/18/2006 10:10:05) [查看全文] 泰国官方今天证实,自2004年10月14日以来,泰国著名的动物园“是拉查龙虎园”有23只成年虎因感染禽流感而死亡,估计病毒可能来自老虎的主要食物——鸡。另有30多只老虎出现与禽流感相似的症状。
新华社报道如下: Lab test confirmed that 23 tigers in a private zoo in eastern Thailand have died of infecting with avian influenza virus, officials said here on Tuesday. Tigers in the private zoo started to show flu symptoms (07/18/2006 10:10:04) [查看全文] 2004年10月18日,白俄罗斯全民公决结果揭晓,总统亚历山大·卢卡申科可能继续留在他已经坐了10年的总统宝座上。但是,这一结果并不为西方国家所乐见,美国于18日发表声明,谴责白俄罗斯的选举是“不公”的,并没有使选民真正得到表达意愿和自由选择的机会。
新华社报道如下: The United States on Monday criticized the Belarus elections for so-called "electoral misconduct", saying "It does not look like the voters of Belarus were given a fair choice or a fair chan (07/18/2006 10:10:03) [查看全文] 2004年10月15日,八国集团(G8)在华盛顿就伊朗核问题举行会议,同意英、法、德三国关于给予伊朗某些好处以促使其放弃研制核武器计划的一揽子计划。会议同意英法德三国下周与伊朗政府代表再次就伊朗核问题举行会谈,并在会谈中阐明如下立场:伊朗应立即停止一切独立进行核燃料再循环的活动,否则将面临来自联合国的新的压力和制裁。
新华社报道如下: The Group Eight diplomats have agreed on a proposal by France, Germany and Britain to present a package of "carrots and sticks" at pressing Iran to halt uraniu (07/18/2006 10:10:02) [查看全文] 据俄罗斯“祖国”网消息,俄罗斯国防部长谢尔盖·伊万诺夫近日在俄罗斯·北约理事会国防部长非正式会议上表示,俄罗斯位于塔吉克斯坦的军事基地于2004年10月17日正式启用,该基地的开辟是俄巩固这一地区集体安全系统的重要一步。 新华社报道如下: Russia opened a new military base in Tajikistan Sunday, the second in Central Asia since the Soviet collapse in 1991, the ITAR-TASS news agency reported. Russian President Vladimir Putin raised a (07/18/2006 10:10:01) [查看全文] 当地时间2004年10月13日晚上9点(北京时间14日上午9点),美国总统大选的第三场公开辩论在亚利桑那州州立大学校园举行。
外电报道如下: Sen. John Kerry said Wednesday night that President Bush bears responsibility for a misguided war in Iraq, lost jobs at home and mounting millions without health care. The Republican incumbent tagged his rival in campaign debate as a lifelong liberal (07/18/2006 10:10:00) [查看全文] 2004年,王恩德和王鹏两名中国工程师在巴基斯坦遭武装分子绑架已经4天了,他们的安危牵动着亲人、朋友以及普通中国人的心。为了营救中国人质,中国驻巴使馆全体人员全力以赴,与巴方多方面交涉,引起了巴领导人的高度重视。
外电报道如下: Condemning the kidnapping of two Chinese engineers by militants in the country's tribal region, Pakistan federal cabinet on Wednesday expressed its complete solidarity with the Chinese people and the Government (07/18/2006 10:09:58) [查看全文] 美国总统布什与民主党总统候选人克里将于当地时间2004年10月13日在亚利桑那州立大学举行第三场电视辩论。根据路透社和美国专业民调机构佐格比12日公布的调查结果显示,布什支持率略有反弹,与克里打成了平手,美国大选日趋白热化。
外电报道如下: Bush gained three points on the Massachusetts senator to move into a 45-45 percent dead heat in the latest three-day tracking poll of the White House campaign. Dead heat的意思是“胜负不分的比赛,同时到达终点的赛跑”。 (07/18/2006 10:09:56) [查看全文] 2004年10月11日,以色列议会投票表决,拒绝接受总理沙龙在议会上发表有关从加沙地带撤离计划的讲话,尽管这次表决并没有实质约束力,但却表明了沙龙的单边行动计划在国内遭遇的严重阻力。但真正让沙龙头痛的是单边行动计划通过之后联合政府的稳定性问题,目前他继续为此作出进一步努力。
外电报道如下: Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was stepping up his efforts to stitch together a new governing coalition Tuesday after his Gaza pullout plan suffered an embarrassing reverse i (07/18/2006 10:09:54) [查看全文] |