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THERE was once upon a time a widow who had two daughters. The eldest was so much like her in the face and humor that whoever looked upon the daughter saw the mother. They were both so disagreeable and so proud that there was no living with them.
The youngest, who was the very picture of her father for courtesy and sweetness o (04/27/2007 06:15:29) [查看全文] ONCE upon a time there lived a king who was so just and kind that his subjects called him "the Good King."It happened one day, when he was out hunting, that a little white rabbit, which his dogs were chasing, sprang into his arms for shelter. The King stroked it gently, and said to it:
"Well, bunny, as you have come to me for (04/27/2007 06:15:12) [查看全文] THERE was a man who had fine houses, both in town and country, a deal of silver and gold plate, embroidered furniture, and coaches gilded all over with gold. But this man was so unlucky as to have a blue beard, which made him so frightfully ugly that all the women and girls ran away from him.
One of his neighbors, a lady of q (04/27/2007 06:14:49) [查看全文] ONCE upon a time there was an old king who was so ill that he thought to himself, "I am most likely on my death-bed."Then he said, "Send Trusty John to me."Now Trusty John was his favorite servant, and was so called because all his life he had served him so faithfully. When he approached the bed the King spake to him: "Most trusty John (04/27/2007 06:14:32) [查看全文] ONE summer's day a little tailor sat on his table by the window in the best of spirits, and sewed for dear life. As he was sitting thus a peasant woman came down the street, calling out: "Good jam to sell, good jam to sell." This sounded sweetly in the tailor's ears; he put his frail little head out of the window, and shouted: "up here (04/27/2007 06:14:18) [查看全文] CHAPTER I
MY father had a small estate in Nottinghamshire, and I was the third of four sons. He sent me to Cambridge at fourteen years old, and after studying there three years I was bound apprentice to Mr. Bates, a famous surgeon in London. There, as my father now and then sent me small sums of money, I spent them in learnin (04/27/2007 06:14:00) [查看全文] ONCE upon a time there was a man who had a meadow which lay on the side of a mountain, and in the meadow there was a barn in which he stored hay. But there had not been much hay in the barn for the last two years, for every St. John's eve, when the grass was in the height of its vigor, it was all eaten clean up, just as if a whole floc (04/27/2007 06:13:46) [查看全文] I THERE was a sultan, who had three sons and a niece. The eldest of the Princes was called Houssain, the second Ali, the youngest Ahmed, and the Princess, his niece, Nouronnihar.
The Princess Nouronnihar was the daughter of the younger brother of the Sultan, who died, and left the Princess very young. The Sultan took upon him (04/27/2007 06:13:27) [查看全文] IN the reign of the famous King Arthur there lived in Cornwall a lad named Jack, who was a boy of a bold temper, and took delight in hearing or reading of conjurers, giants, and fairies; and used to listen eagerly to the deeds of the knights of King Arthur's Round Table.
In those days there lived on St. Michael's Mount, off C (04/27/2007 06:13:08) [查看全文] And many a hunting song they sung, And song of game and glee; Then tuned to plaintive strains their tongue, "Of Scotland's luve and lee."To wilder measures next they turn "The Black, Black Bull of Norroway!"Sudden the tapers cease to burn, The minstrels cease to play. "The Cout of Keeldar,"by J. Leyden.
IN Norroway, langsyne, (04/27/2007 06:12:49) [查看全文] THERE were ance twa widows that lived on a small bit o' ground, which they rented from a farmer. Ane of them had twa sons, and the other had ane; and by-and- by it was time for the wife that had twa sons to send them away to seeke their fortune. So she told her eldest son ae day to take a can and bring her water from the well, that she (04/27/2007 06:12:18) [查看全文] There was once a worthy old couple who lived on the coast, and supported themselves by fishing. They had only one child, a son, who was their pride and joy, and for his sake they were ready to work hard all day long, and never felt tired or discontented with their lot. This son's name was Uraschimataro, which means in Japanese, 'Son of (04/24/2007 06:37:33) [查看全文] |