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  面试时我们最想向面试官展现的就是我们的能力了,那么一个人的能力到底是什么呢?通常我们理解为工作能力,技术能力等等,其实不仅仅是这些。我们先来看看关于个人能力的背景知识:   Background:来源:考试大  个人能力集中表现在社会荣誉、工作业绩、科研成果、著作等,这里最主要的是著作和工作成果。  著作包括所有出版过的书,发表过的论文。这一项对科研、学术工作者尤为重要。如果内容与所申请的职位密切相关,作者不仅应列入其中,而且可扼要介绍作品内容、社会影响和效果。面试时,应带上作品的原件或复印件。  了解到到底什么是个人能力以后,我们再来看一段对话:来源:考试大  A:Would you t
(08/14/2008 08:14:23) [查看全文]
  通常我们在写完 简历 之后都会加注一些自己的性格和兴趣爱好之类的内容,而这些内容也是进行面试时经常会提到的话题,尤其是在英语面试的时候,面试方通常会问:How do you spend your spare time?
A:Do you have any hobbies? What is it or what are they? 来源:考试大
  B:I am interested in watching TV or other relaxing games.来源:考试大
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  首先我要声明,为人处世要诚实,这个原则我是赞同的,没有异议。但求职者的面试,则属于一种比较特殊的情况,需要采取一定的谈话技巧。比如人事经理问你:Why did you leave your last job?(你为什么要辞去以前的工作),如果按照诚实原则,应当回答:我跟经理合不来,他快把我逼疯啦,我必须离开(请看下面)。但是这样回答之后,你肯定会给人事经理留下一个坏印象:这家伙可能是一个不太合群的人,他既然跟以前的上级合不来,说不定跟以后的上级也
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在求职面试中,如果被问到以往失业的经历,你是否能应付自如? 电视上常用的借口--“为了得到更好的工作”,并不适用于所有人。
If you have been fired, you may be afraid that your past will come back to haunt you in your next job interview. After all, you want to impress a potential new employer, and letting them know about a major failure isn't that impressive. But getting fired is not automatically a
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其实要懂得应对此问题,就要先做好准备You'll have a better chance of impressing the interviewer if you think about this question before the interview.
The first thing to realize is that the question, "Tell me about yourself," provides you with a great chance to promote your
(08/14/2008 08:14:21) [查看全文]
很多外企在当面的面试之前会有一个电话英语面试,时间一般在20~30分钟左右,用以核实求职者的背景和英文表达力。所以求职者在投递 简历 以后要做好各种充分的准备。
如果你提前知道了电话面试的时间,则可以在面试时把 简历 、coverletter放在你旁边的桌子上,直接运用里面的句子回答问题。一些基本的问题,你可以事先准备好答案。通常,在电话英语面试的时候会提道:
Please tell me something unreflected at yourC.V./about yourself/your experience/your activities.谈谈你 简历 中没有提及的一些事情/谈谈你自
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Q: Have you got any achievement or received any honor in the company?
A1: Yes, I was chosen as one of "employees of the month" last year. And as a sales manager I succeeded in raising yearly sales volume by 25%.
A2: As I am an administrat
(08/14/2008 08:14:20) [查看全文]
G=Georgia; H=Harold, personnel manager
H: Come in. Please sit down.
G: Thanks, Mr. Harold. I'm Georgia.
H: OK, what can I do for you, Georgia?
G: Well, I've worked here as a typist for about a year, and I'd like to have a chance of advancement.
H: What job are you applying for?
G: I'd
(08/14/2008 08:14:20) [查看全文]
如果面试后的一两周内都还没有得到通知,你可以打电话去问问,这样做到自己心中有数,当然也可以写信或发Email去查问。电话询问结果,要注意一下用词和语气,以免给招聘公司造成焦躁的感觉。 下面是电话询问结果时常用的一些句型。
1) I am just calling to follow up on the status of the Sales Manager / Personnel Manager / Area Representative / Personnel Supervisor position.
2) I am just calling to see if you
(08/14/2008 08:14:19) [查看全文]
About your academic records
A: Are you a student leader at college?
B: Yes. I've served as the monitor of our class for two years.
A: Have you got any honors or rewards in your university days?
B: Yes. I've been on the honor roll for three academic years.
A: Have you been involved in any extracurricular activities at
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"work experience" is the type of work you've done in the past. If you haven't started working yet you can say "Right now I'm still a student." or "I'm a recent grad and I haven't started working yet." In the second sentence, "recent grad" is short for "recent graduate" and means that you have just finished school.
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一 不要害怕外表冷冰冰的考官
I: Your number and name, please. (请告知你的号码和名字。)
C: My number is sixteen and my name is Zhixin Zhang. (我是16号,我叫张志新。)
(08/14/2008 08:14:18) [查看全文]
I: Hello! May I speak to Zhao XXX?
Z: This is Zhao XXX speaking. Who is that?
I: This is Thomas Watt, the manager of The E-Commerce Transactions Company in Singapore. I want to talk with you for a while in order to make a decision concerning your application.
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古丽芬小姐刚刚从职高毕业,她向某公司投递了应聘办公室文员的 简历 ,在接到面试电话后,她准备第二天上午去应聘。
I: May I help you?
G: Yes, I've come to apply for the position as office clerk.
I: I'm Edward Snow, the manager of Human Resource Department. May I ask your name?
G: My name is Lifen Gu. How do you do, Mr. Snow?
I: I'm glad to meet you, Miss Gu. Please take a
(08/14/2008 08:14:17) [查看全文]
I: Come in, please.
W: Good morning, sir.
I: Good morning. Take a sesat, please. My name is Harry Wilson.
W: Thank you, Mr. Wilson.
I: Please make yourself comfortable. First, tell me your number and name.
W: My number is 6 and my name is Lixiu Wen
(08/14/2008 08:14:17) [查看全文]
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