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[日期:2019-06-25]   [字体: ]

??? 九年义务教育全日制初级中学英语教科书(JEFC)共收词达1060多个,词

组近400条。词汇是构成人类语言 大厦的建筑材料, 是语言三要素中最重要的、

最基本的要素,自然成为中考英语考查的一个重点。笔者随意抽 取了96、97两


平均占17.2分,其 考查的方式主要有如下几种:单词拼写、词形转换、词语释

义、词组英汉互译、单词填空等,本文将分别作以 介绍。

??? 一、单词拼写

??? 这种题型重在考查常用词汇的拼写情况,多数省市采用在句子基础上考查在

一定上、下文中单词拼写的能 力,要求写出该单词时必须考虑它所处的句子环


??? 1. I hear you're living ________ (高兴)in the newbuilding.

??? ('97黑龙江)

??? 该题所空之处系修饰动词living,应用副词形式happily。

??? 2. September is the n _______ month of the year.

??? ('97山西)

??? 此题应填序数词ninth,注意n后不带e。

??? 3. Jack is h _______now,because he didn't have breakfastthis morning.

??? ('97山西)

??? 此题须根据后句"因为他今天早上未吃早饭",才可推断出Jack现在是饿

了,因此应填hungry(而不填ha ppy, healthy, helpful, heavy等其它以h


??? 4. Keep _______(传)the ball to each other, and you'llbe OK.

??? ('97黑龙江)

??? 该题应填passing,keep后应接动词的ing形式作宾语。

??? 5. This skirt is c _______ and the other is expensive.

??? ('97山东)

??? 该题填cheap。后面的expensive正好与该词相对。

??? 6.—How many m ________ are there in an hour? —There are sixty.

??? ('96陕西)

??? 填minutes。注意要用复数形式minutes,不能用单数形式。

??? 7. Mary h _______ of trees are planted every year in ourcity.

??? ('96黑龙江)

??? 填hundreds。注意用复数形式,表示"大量、许多"。

??? 8. He _______ (清洁)our classroom every morning.

??? ('96广东)

??? 填cleans。主语是第三人称单数,一般现在时,动词用-s形式。

??? 9. The old house is well _______ (保存).

??? ('97四川)

??? 填kept。被动语态,该句意为"这栋老房子保存得很好。"

??? 10. Li Ming is the best student in his class. He can dohis homework

without any tr ______ ___.

??? ('96新疆)

??? 填trouble。前半句的介绍对正确选出所填之词很关键。

??? 二、词形转换

??? 词形转换要求写出所给词的某一形式,其趋势也是在句子基础上考查。如:

??? 1. Who runs _______ in the class? (fast)

??? ('97北京)

??? 应填fastest。此处是有一比较的范围in the class, 应用副词fast的最


??? 2. Jack's father often makes him ________ (do) hishomework for three

hours every day .

??? ('97吉林)

??? 应填do。make作"使、让"讲时,其不定式宾补不带to。

??? 3. There are a lot of tall ________ (build) in the city.

??? ('97吉林)

??? 填buildings。首先根据句子结构考虑要用名词, 其次要注意用复数。

??? 4. The workers were wearing thick clothes and glasses tokeep ________


??? ('97辽宁)

??? 填themselves。用反身代词表强调。

??? 5. He got up at six this morning and _______ the earlybus.(catch)

??? ('97河北)

??? 填caught。根据前面的动词got判断此处也应用一般过去时。

??? 6. Look,how _______ the baby is! (health)

??? ('97内蒙)

??? 填healthy。根据感叹句的结构判断,此处应填形容词。

??? 7. People can't _______ without water or air. (life)

??? ('96新疆)

??? 填live。情态动词后应用原形动词。

??? 8. June 1 is _______ Day.(child) ('96吉林)

??? 填Children's。注意大写和用所有格。

??? 9.—Which is your favourite month? —I think May is the________.(good)

'96云 南)

??? 填best。前一句问的是最喜欢的月份,因此要用最高级。

??? 10. All the people like the film because it's very ______.(interest)

??? ('96河南)

??? 填interesting。主语如果指人则应用interested。 如:All thepeople are

interested in the film .

??? 三、词语释义

??? 这一题型的题目较多地反映在同义词语或相同表达上。 如:takecare

of/look after, have a good t ime/enjoy oneself, go tobed/go to sleep, be

good at/do well in, by air/by plane, nolonger /not...any longer, keep

doing sth. / go on doing sth. befull of/be filled with, worry about/be

worried about, feellike(doing)/would like(to do),at once/right away等。


??? 1. They go shopping every day.

??? A. buy things B. borrow books

??? C. work in the shop ('97北京)

??? 答案A。go shopping还可用go to buy things/shop (作动词) /pay money

for things in shops/do t he shopping等来解释。

??? 2. Don't worry. Your daughter will be all right soon.

??? A.ill B.happy C.well D.nice ('97广东)

??? 答案C。all right指身体恢复健康。

??? 3. "Thank you very much." "Not at all."

??? A. Sorry B.You are welcome

??? C. Certainly D.It doesn't matter

??? 答案B。对感谢的答语还有:That's all right. /Don't mentionit 等。

??? 4. Bull is badly ill. You have to send for the doctor atonce.

??? A.look for the doctor B.ring the doctor up

??? C.write to the doctor

??? D.ask the doctor to come

??? 答案选D。send for的含义为"派人去叫(请)"。

??? You have enough time. Don't hurry, please.

??? A. Take your time B. Be quick

??? C. Don't be late D. Do it soon

??? ('97山西)

??? 答案A。take one's time意为"不急、慢慢干"。

??? 6. Please call me if you are free.

??? A. not busy B. empty C.easy D.late

??? ('96广东)

??? 答案A。许多形容词/副词可用"not +其反义词"来解释。 如:light/not

heavy, dear/not cheap等。

??? 7.Mr Jack will give me a call soon.

??? A. call;out B.call;on

??? C.ring;up D.give; a message

??? ('96广东)

??? 答案C。打电话的词语还有:make a phone call/phone sb. /callsb. up/give

sb. a ring等。

??? 8.This road is in the middle part of the town.

??? A. north B.centre C.south D. place

??? ('96天津)

??? 答案B。类似的如:parents/ father and mother, photo /picture, problem/

question, Januar y/the first month of theyear, bedroom/room for sleeping


??? 9. We often hear from our friends.

??? A. listen to B. hear of

??? C. write to D. get letters from

??? ('96深圳)

??? 答案选D。再如:have a look at /look at ,get home/ go home, drink sth./

have a drink of, go s wimming/have a swim等。

??? 10.—Can you mend my bike?

??? —Sorry, I don't think so.

??? A. I can't B. I can C. you can D. she can't

??? 答案选A。sorry 的功能相当于否定回答的no。

??? 四、单词填空

??? 单词填空在句子或语篇基础上考查在一定语境下拼写单词的能力,单词在具

体的上下文中,因此其形式在 原形基础上有一定的变化,考查的方式不同,近


??? A:在下列句子中填上适当的词使句子完整正确。

??? 1. There are four ______ in a year. They are spring,summer, autumn

and winter.

??? ('97河南)

??? 2. After a long walk I got very ________ , so I lay downand had a rest.

??? ('97河南)

??? 3. People in England use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the ______name.

??? ('97江西)

??? 4. A: We'll have a look at the woollen sweaters.

? ??B: No hurry! Please take your _______ !

??? ('97辽宁)

??? 5. A: Where is my coat, Mum?

??? B: I _______ it away for you this morning.

??? ('96吉林)

??? 6. A: May I use your English book, please?

??? B: Sure, but please _________ it back soon.

??? ('96吉林)

??? 答案与分析:

??? 1.seasons。下一句说明是"季节"一词,注意要用复数。

??? 2.tired。after a long walk...和下文的……had a rest 说明不是


??? 3.family。在姓氏(surname)前用Mr, Mrs, Miss 等, 不可填given,full


??? 4.time。take one's time意为:No hurry/Don't hurry。

? ??5.put。put...away意为"收拾起来"。

??? 6.give。有些同学易误填return, return不可与back连用,其后可直接跟

归还的东西。如:return my En glish book。

??? 少数省市还常采用英汉词组互译('97吉林,'96云南)等形式考查词汇,

许多省市采用的动词(时态) 填空,补全对话、句型转换、完成句子、综合填

空(短)、选择填空中也从不同侧面充分考查了同学们词汇掌 握和使用情况,可


??? 下面是词汇类试题的类编(均出自96—97全国各省市中考题):

??? (一)根据句子中所给单词首字母或汉语意思,写出单词。

??? 1.How many kinds of flowers are there in Mr Smith'sg_______?

??? 2.Mum, I'm h _______ . Can you give me something to eat?

??? 3."Would you please open the door for me ?" the old womanasked p


??? 4.The radio says the bad w ________ will last for aboutthree days.

??? 5.You may go to the school l _______ and borrow the book.

??? 6.I think ________(九月)is the best month of the year.

??? 7.There are two _______ (千)students in our school.

??? 8.They ________(到达)school at six this morning.

??? 9.September 10th is _________ (教师)Day.

??? 10.It's _______ (好)to give than to receive.

??? (二)根据句子意思,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

??? 11.Horses and ______ like to eat grass. (sheep)

??? 12.English is widely used by _______ all over the world.(travel)

??? 13. Australian seasons are________from Chinese seasons.(difference)

??? 14.Here are ten of the _______ names.(run)

??? 15.Summer is the ______ season of the year.(hot)

? ??16.The wind is blowing _______.(strong)

??? 17.The bottle fell down to the ground and________.(break)

??? 18.They mustn't leave the baby by ________.(she)

??? 19.It's ______ to play on the road. A car may hit you.(danger)

??? 20.A:What does your mother do?

??? B:She's a ________ .(clean)

??? (三)选出与句子划线部分意思相同或相近的单词或短语。

??? 21.The girl was so weak that she didn't catch up withothers.

??? A.fell behind B.tried to hold

??? C.ran after D.fell off

??? 22.Grandma is ill. Let's take her to hospital right away.

??? A.at first B. on time

??? C.right out D. at once

??? 23.What would you like, the red sweaters or the GREensweaters?

??? A. one B.these C.ones D. those

??? 24.He prefers apples to oranges.

??? A. likes; than other B. doesn't like; so much

??? C. likes; as much as D.likes; better than

??? 25.If you jump the queue, other people will not bepleased.

??? A.step in a queue B.stand in a line

??? C. take your time D.don't take your turn

??? 26.He sat next to me and helped me with my English.

??? A.behind B.between C.beside D.not far

??? 27.My suit is broken. I want to buy a new one.

??? A.wears B.wore out C.worn out D.wore

??? 28.He got to Shanghai last week.

??? A.arrived to B.arrived in

??? C.went to D.reached in

??? 29.Mary is wearing a red dress today.

??? A.on B.in C.putting on D.having

??? 30.—Shall we go to the island?

??? —All right. Let's go there then.

??? A.No B.OK C.What D.Sorry

??? Key:

??? (一)1.garden 2.hungry 3.politely 4.weather 5.library 6.September

7.thousand 8.reached 9. Teacher's 10.better

??? (二)11.sheep 12.travellers 13.different 14.runners' 15.hottest

16.strongly 17.broke 18. herself 19. dangerous 20.cleaner

??? (三)21.A 22.D 23.C 24.D 25.D 26.C 27.B 28.B 29.B 30.B

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