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承诺 promise

[日期:2009-05-08]   [字体: ]
     As can be seen from the cartoon, nowadays many people follow the hen and swarm into the tide of promise-making. But we may observe that. some of the promises are nothing but duties these people should fulfill, just like the most common eggs laid by the hen.
     However, the reasons for this phenomenon are complicated and such false promises are very harmful not only to thegiver but to our society. For example, some people want to make profits from their false promises such as those offered to customers by enterprises. Some other people want to make known to everyone their deeds such as those made by some departments. Promises offered to customers by enterprises are based on the trust between them and the trust is the driving force that makes the economy develop. With the trust, customers expect to buy a certain product with a, sense of safety, while the enterprises look forward to promoting sales based mainly on the side of the customers. Nevertheless, the wide spread false promises undermine the trust, which will, in the long run, undermine the rapid economic development of our country, too.
     So, it's high time that we took measures to put an end to any kind of false promises. We may forbid people to make false ads, forfeit them severely, or fortify special law into effect. And what's more, why can't these people be strict with themselves and draw a lesson from the hell in the cartoon?
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