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[日期:2009-02-24]   [字体: ]

  Until recently, dyslexia and other reading problems were
  a mystery to most teachers and parents. As a result, too many
  kids passed through school without master the printed page. S1_______

  Some were treated as mentally deficient; many were left
  functionally illiterate(文盲的), unable to ever meet their
  potential. But in the last several years, there’s been a
  revolution in that we’ve learned about reading and dyslexia. S2_______
  Scientists are using a variety of new imaging techniques to
  watch the brain at work. Their experiments have shown that
  reading disorders are most likely the result of what is, in an effect, S3_______
  faulty writing in the brain-not lazy, stupidity or a poor home S4________
  environment. There’s also convincing evidence which dyslexia S5________
  is largely inherited. It is now considered a chronic problem
  for some kids, not just a “phase”. Scientists have also
  discarded another old stereotype that almost all dyslexics are
  boys. Studies indicate that many girls are affecting as well- S6________
  and not getting help.
  At same time, educational researchers have come up S7________
  with innovative teaching strategies for kids who are having
  trouble learning to read. New screening tests are identifying
  children at risk before they get discouraged by year of S8________
  frustration and failure. And educators are trying to get the
  message to parents that they should be on the alert for the
  first signs of potential problems.
  It’s an urgent mission. Mass literacy is a relative new S9________
  social goal. A hundred years ago people didn’t need to be
  good readers in order to earn a living. But in the Information
  Age, no one can get by with knowing how to read well and S10________
  understand increasingly complex material.
  The most important starting point for improving the
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