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论辩式杂感:培养你的兴趣-Foster Your Interests

[日期:2008-09-03]   [字体: ]
1.foster v.培养  2.UFO-lover不明飞行物爱好者  3.THE JOURNAL OF UFO RESEARCH《不明飞行物研究期刊》

Foster Your Interests
Everyone knows that interests can be fostered.  Nevertheless, boys often say, “I am not interested in language.” They would even say,“I hate English.” And what about girls? They often show GREat interest in language, but little in mathematics or physics. Perhaps you will give me some scientific bases to prove that this is normal.
Indeed, there are some differences between girls and boys, but these differences are not impassable①. If boys or girls try to devote more attention to what they don't like, they will find that both can achieve what they wish to achieve. The key point is that they must foster an interest. The course of trying to be absorbed on what neglected is the course of fostering interests.
It you do not like serious reading, you may choose only light books that amuse you. By and by, you will be GREatly interested in it and get something out of it.
Here is a story of myself. I have long been fond of language, but I had little interest in mathematics. Yet, I am a UFO-lover. I've kept reading THE JOURNAL OF UFO RESEARCH. In the recent, I've read a lot about the civilizations of outer space. This made me realize that biology, physics, chemistry and mathematics are as important and useful as language. I no longer hate mathematics now.
This shows that once your interest is fostered, you may do well in it. Interests can also enrich②your life. Therefore, it is necessary to foster interests. There is no need to Worry about energy or time. If you are a person of many interests, your energy will be regulated③naturally. Anyway, fostering interests won't do you harm. You will be GREatly rewarded.
①impassable[um'p%:s+bl] a.不可逾越的
作者在听到、觉察到同学们之中的一些错误思潮后有所感想。所以文章一开头就开门见山地确立了自己的论点:“Interests can be fostered.”,以拨正同学们的思想。然后,作者采取先破后立的方式来论证自己的观点。第一段在确立论点后来了一个转折,谈到两种不正确的看法。第二段用归缪法先承认要反驳的观点有其合理性,然后做出合理引申,从而得出正确的结论来:培养兴趣是有过程的。第三、四段用过程法和自己的例子正面阐述培养兴趣的可能性和可行性。最后一段归纳总结培养兴趣的必要性。
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