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有愧的人:一件令我不安的小事-A Trifle① That Still Upse.

[日期:2008-09-03]   [字体: ]

A Trifle① That Still Upsets Me
What about the sick old man in that cart②? Is he well now?  Every time I think of what happened to me a year ago, I feel I was to blame③.
It was a Saturday evening, the third evening after my arrival at Zheng Ding Middle School. I was a new comer and knew little about the town. After supper, I went out for a walk alone. It was getting dark and few people were in the street. Suddenly a cart stopped and the man who pulled the cart came to ask me if I knew the way to the No. 1 Hospital.
I had heard of the hospital and I seemed to have been told that it was in the north of the town, but I was not quite sure. I looked at the sick old man lying in the cart and moaning④. Without hesitation, I told him the way to the hospital. Then he turned the cart round and soon it was out of sight. When I came back to the dormitory, I told my roommates what had happened. They told me that the No. 1 Hospital was in the southeast of the town. Only then did I realize that I had told the man the wrong way. I at once thought of the sick old man and felt upset⑤.
What would they do if they couldn't find the hospital? Would the sick old man survive⑥the journey? I couldn't think any more. I was too upset.
A year has passed. I am still worrying about the old man. Maybe I will never have a chance to make it up, but from then on I have never said a word that I am not sure of.
①trifle ['traifl] n.小事;琐事
②cart [ka:t] n.手推车
③blame [bleim] n.责备
④moan [m+un] v.呻吟
⑤upset [)p'set] a.不安;心烦意乱
⑥survive [s+'vaiv] v.活下来;幸存
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