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大方的人:一位大方的朋友-A Friend of Liberality

[日期:2008-09-03]   [字体: ]
A Friend of Liberality

When I was in Senior Grade 2, there was a girl whom I disliked. I do not know why I disliked her. She had always been friendly toward me, and had never done anything to cause me to feel the way I did about her. I was continually saying unpleasant things to her, making fun of her, and snubbing① her.
One day as I was going home from school, the girl caught up with me and said, “Miss Lin, our teacher, wants you to come back to the schoolhouse for a little while.” I didn't believe her. I just said, “Do you think that I would walk back to the schoolhouse just because you told me to? You probably are just telling me that for a joke.” I walked on down the street, leaving the girl standing alone.
The next day when I got to school, Miss Lin asked me, “Why didn't you come back to the schoolhouse as I asked you to?” I said, “I didn't know you wanted me. “Miss Lin sent for the girl and asked her, “Did you tell Su Ming to come back?” The girl answered,“I'm sorry, Miss Lin, but I didn't tell her; I couldn't catch up with her.”
I was surprised. I suddenly realized how pretty she was. She had long black hair and  blue dark eyes. Her even white teeth  showed from her parted lips as she smiled at me. I felt I ought to be ashamed of myself and I found out all my faults in comparison with② her liberality③.
①snub [sn)b] v.冷落;怠慢
②in comparison [k+m'p$ris+n] with 与……比较
③liberality [?lib+'r$l+ti] n.慷慨;心胸宽大;大方
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