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[日期:2008-08-31]   [字体: ]

Journalist: Yoko, John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band was recorded at EMI Studios. IMAGINE was recorded at your Tittenhurst Park home studio in Ascot. How did recording at home affect IMAGINE?

Yoko: Well, a beautiful warm feeling. I think that John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band is a very 1)artistic album, but it’s kind of 2)gritty and - it certainly is not a very warm album. Almost sad, in a way. IMAGINE just turned out to be a very warm, kind of beautiful album because we were together at home and we felt relaxed, you know.

Journalist: The Imagine sessions were very well documented on film. Why did you choose these sessions to, to film?

Yoko: It was a 3)fluke, you know. And we didn’t think it was going to be - that important or anything. He said "why don’t we film it?" "Okay, let’s do it." And then afterwards we thought that we did something really silly because... the people, the business people were saying, "Well, nobody wants to watch, you know, a film that’s a - it’s boring to watch a film of just - going on and on and rehearsing and making a - an album. So this is not 4)commercial." So we said "Okay". And we just 5)chucked it. Well, chucked it meaning it was sitting in storage.

Journalist: The utopian idealism of the song "IMAGINE", John claimed that this vision had its roots in your book, "6)Grapefruit". How do you think that you influenced it?

Yoko: Well, we were close together, and you know two artists living together, of course we’re going to influence each other. Some of the things that I did 7)rubbed off on him. And that was "IMAGINE" I think.

Journalist: Do you remember the first time you heard "IMAGINE"?

Yoko: Well yes, I was there. We were in the bedroom, in our bedroom in Ascot.

Journalist: Did you have an 8)inkling of - how the song was going to affect people?

Yoko: I knew it was a very important song, and - we were both hoping that people would understand it and it would communicate widely. But we didn’t believe it, you know. I mean, part of us didn’t believe that it’s going to be a big song.

John Lennon: When I was singing and writing this and working with her, I was 9)visualizing all the people of my age group. I’m singing to them. I’m saying, "Here I am now. How are you? How’s your relationship going? Did you get through it all? Wasn’t the ‘70s a 10)drag, you know? Here we are. Well, let’s try and make the ‘80s good, you know." It’s not out of our control. I still believe in love, peace. I still believe in positive thinking. While there’s life, there’s hope. Because I always consider my work one piece and I consider that my work won’t be finished until I’m dead and buried. And I hope that’s a long, long time.













1) artistic [a:5tistik] a. 艺术的,有美感的

2) gritty [5griti] a. 有沙砾的,勇敢的

3) fluke [fluk] n. 侥幸的成功,意外的失败

4) commercial [kE5mE:FEl] a. 以获利为目的的,商业的

5) chuck [tFQk] v. [英国俚语] 停下来

6) grapefruit [5GREipfru:t] n. 葡萄柚

7) rub off on sb. 由于密切习惯、品质、看法等而影响另一个人

8) inkling [5iNkliN] n. 略知

9) visualize [5vizjuElaiz] v. 形象化,想象

10) drag [drAg] n. 障碍物,极为讨厌的人或事物

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