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阅读内容 CNN news 2010-02-26 加文本
CNN 2008-02-26 Good afternoon, I'm Naamua Delaney at the We begin with the sentencing phase for a former American Airlines says oxygen was administered and a defibrillator was used to try to save a passenger who died during the flight. The woman's family insist the flight attendant refused to help. Her cousin says when flight attendants got an oxygen tank, it was empty and what may have been a defibrillatora appeared malfunction. In the statement, the American Airlines said a check of all emergence equipment is part of flight attendants' pre-flight duties, and there were 12 oxygen bottles on that plane. A medical examiner says the woman had heart disease and died of natural causes. www.hXen.com About 20 migrants believed to be from No injuries or major damage are being reported from a strong earthquake that hit off All those are the headlines at this hour. Stay with CNN for more on these stories and the other news of the day.www.Hxen.com 相关新闻