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阅读内容 CNN news 2010-01-12 加文本
Download Audio From the CNN Center in Atlanda. I'm Nicole Lapin. Here is NOW IN THE NEWS update. O.J. Simpson is in custody in Florida and will soon return to Las Vegas to face allegations that he has violated the terms of his release on bail. Prosecutors say that Simpson's alleged no, no is that he conned to one of his co-defendents to express his frustration. Simpson has been out on bail pending his upcoming trial on kidnapping and robbery charges. The former football star goes before a judge on that bail violation matter coming up next Wednesday. A disgraced athlete begged a judge not to send her to prison. But the judge said even famous athletes must face consequences when they break the law. He sentenced Olympic track superstar Marion Jones to six months in prison, two years of probation and community service. It is for Jones's lie about using steroids and for her involvement in a check-fraud scam. Through her attoney, Jones says she wants to start serving her sentence immediately. A GREen turn in the search for a missing pregnant marine, the sheriff at Onslow County, North Carolina stunned a news conference today announcing that Lance Corporal Maria Lauterbach is dead and believed buried in a wooded residential area. Investigators are now looking for her body and also for a fellow Marine Corporal Cesar Lauren who Lauterbach had accused of sexual assault. Just days after a recent confrontation between Iranian gunboats and US navy ships in the Persian Gulf. US Navy officials are now (said) telling CNN that there have been two other similar incidents in recent weeks. Officials say that they have been back in December, one involved warning shots being fired. Meanwhile regarding Sunday's confrontation, the chairman of Joint Chief of Staff now says that it shows how Iran really poses a real threat and how the US is ready to meet it. City officials in Los Angles are now touting a decrease and gang related killings down more than 26% last year to 216. Much of the credit is going to a special task force made up of Los Angle's police, the FBI and other agencies who work together in a crackdown on gang activity there. Overall gang crime in Los Angeles has declined last year down 4% from 2006. With that you're now up-to-date. CNN's always a place to turn for the latest headlines whether you are watching online, watching on TV or watching on your cell phone. Thanks for watching. Words&Expressions check-fraud scam:涉及支票的诈骗行为 相关新闻