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My New Set of Wheels

[日期:2007-09-26]   [字体: ]
There you stand, and I see you stare
Thinking, poor dear, she\'s stuck in that chair.
But I\'m not sad, I\'m very happy because
I haven\'t forgotten the way it was.
You\'d say, "How about a trip to the zoo?
A walk in the park would be good for you."
I was thinking tomorrow, I\'ll be a wreck,
From my aching feet, to the pain in my neck.

You\'d want to go shopping, all over town,
I was thinking but there\'s no place to sit down.
For you it\'s a snap, just to go to the store,
But for me the ordeal was more of a chore.

Now I can go wherever I please
I can shop in the mall with newfound ease,
Do all the things that have to be done,
And even go out and have some fun.

So, do you want to know how it really feels,
To be sitting here between these wheels?
Can you remember back that far,
When you got your very first car?

Well, that\'s how these wheels feel to me,
They don\'t hold me down, they set me free.
So, don\'t think all those pitiful things:
These aren\'t wheels, I think they\'re my wings.
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