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To Teach

[日期:2007-09-26]   [字体: ]
To teach is to touch a life forever
To teach is to see a struggling student smile
To teach is to hear a child read a story
To teach is to know it may take a while.
To teach is someting that comes within us
Something that grows inside your heart
To teach is a calling that was given us
Something that has been with you from the start.
To teach is to give enough of yourself
to a child who needs your time and care
To teach is to share your world with others
So their knowledge will always be there.
To teach is to cry when a child is having troubles
And to cry with joy when they achieve success
To teach is to cheer them on when they are at their worst
And to pat their back when they reach their best!
To teach is something you\'ll have foreve
It will never cease or die
For a teacher remembers each child, each face......
And holds each one dearly inside.
And though at times you may get tired
And wonder is it all worth the strain
You\'ll remember one child who succeeded with your help
And you know that you would do it all over again.
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