Marriage may be the perfect recipe for happiness ?but not for lavish Christmas gifts, a survey showed. The poll by RBS Advanta found that the longer people are in a relationship, the less likely they are to spend large sums of money on each other. While 53 percent of those unmarried, but living together, will spend over 100 pounds for their partner on Christmas gifts, only 31 percent of married couples are prepared to spend that much. And it gets worse once you have children ?romantic presents are replaced by practical ones, the poll of 1,000 people across Britain found. For couples together for one or two years, the average amount spent is 101 to 200 pounds, while for those who have stuck it out for longer, it drops to 51 to 100 pounds. The biggest spender on romantic gifts this year will be a male between 16 and 34 years old who has been in a relationship for one to two years, but does not live with his partner. The least romantic spender will be a woman married for over 20 years without children, according to the survey.
根据RBS Advanta公司(RBS Advanta为英国一家大型个人信用卡公司--译者注)进行的一项调查,婚姻也许是得到幸福的良方妙诀,但却不是获取贵重圣诞礼物的好办法。调查发现,情侣们在一起的时间越久,就越不愿意为对方花费大笔金钱。53%的未婚同居者愿意花超过100镑为伴侣购买圣诞礼物,而已婚伴侣中打算花这么多钱的则只有31%。在英国对1000人进行的这次调查还发现,有了孩子之后情况就更糟了--浪漫的礼物往往被实用物品所取代。一起生活了1到2年的情侣(在圣诞礼物上)的平均花费是101至200镑,而那些相处时间更长的伴侣们在这上面的花费就降到了51到100镑。根据调查结果,今年最舍得花钱买浪漫礼物的人将是16到34岁之间、谈了1到2年的恋爱、没跟伴侣住在一起的男性,而最不浪漫的送礼者将是那些结婚超过20年又没有子女的女性。