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[日期:2007-07-04]   [字体: ]


 1. 词汇
 (1) 《综合英语(二)》认知词汇5,500~6,000,熟练掌握其中2500左右最常用的搭配和短语,并正确使用它们。
 (2) 了解和掌握各种词性的变化规则,掌握英语的基本构词规则,并在阅读时能根据所学的规则猜出从学过的词派生出来的常用词。
 2. 语法
 (1) 对英语的基本语法有准确、清楚、完整的认识。

 (2) 系统地掌握英语句子的基本结构以及英语基本的修辞手法(强调、倒装、省略)的构成和用法。
 (3) 能运用所学的语法规则以及句子结构的指示谴词造句、集句成章,在阅读翻译中能够解决篇章层次上的各种语法问题。
 3. 阅读
 (1) 能读懂常见体裁的中等水平非专业题材的英语材料,并能根据上下文猜出生词的意思。
 (2) 要求了解所读材料的中心思想,抓住主要论点或细节、明确作者的基本态度,并能根据其内容进行一定的推理和分析。
 4. 写作
 (1) 要求在半小时左右就《综合英语(二)》上下册的31篇课文的内容用130~150个词回答一个大问题。
 (2) 要求格式正确、语言得体。
 (3) 要求内容切题、条理清楚、语法基本正确、语言基本通顺、用词基本得当。
 5. 翻译
 (1) 能运用所学的词汇和语法规则将一般非技术专业的汉语句子译成英语,意思准确、无重大语法错误。
 (2) 能在半小时左右将与课文难度相仿的200词左右的文章译成汉语,理解正确,译文较为通顺。
 1. 合理按排测试项目的能力层次。每份试卷中测试各种能力层次的项目所占的分数比例一般为:识记10%,领会30%。简单运用20%,综合运用40%。
 2. 合理安排测试项目的难度结构。题目难易程度分为:易、较易、较难、 难四个等级。每份试卷各种难易程度题目所占比例为:易占20%,较易占30%,较难占30%,难占20%。实体的难易程度和能力层次是两个不同的概念。在每个能力层次的项目中都包含难易程度不同的问题。命题过程中同时兼顾这两种不同结构的问题。
 1. 选择正确的语法形式和单词或词组填空
 I. Complete the sentences with best choice
 1. Though poor my English is, I manage to make myself---------------.
  a. understand b. understood c. understanding d. being understood
 2. He couldn’t ---------an answer when I asked him why he was late.
  a.have access to b. set off c. search for d. come up with
 key: 1. b 2. c
 作题技巧: 要作好此项选择题,就要熟练掌握所学的语法现象、单词及词组。在作词汇方面的题时,要注意空白处与前后词的搭配关系、此词或词组的确切含义,然后根据提议确定选项。如上面第2题 a. have access to 的意思是可以接近,b. set off 的意思是出发、动身;使爆炸;使某人作某事 c. search for 的意思是寻找 d. come up with 的意思是提出,提供。 根据题义,应选择c. 在作语法方面的题是,要根据所学语法知识,确定正确的答案。如上面第1题 a. understand 是及物动词后面须跟宾语,但句中没有,故排除 c. understanding, make 后面应接不带to的动词原形,故c也应排除。d. being understood, make 后面不能这样接,因此也是错的 b. understood, make 后面可以接make sb. done or make sth done, 所以正确答案应是 b.
 II.Complete the sentences with a word derived from the one in bracket.
  1.The air was soft with----vapor of melting snow, as if some delicate flowers were blooming at hand. (fragrance)
 2. I have an ---of the other’s feeling and thoughts, and I experience something of the core of that person. (aware)
 Key: 1. fragrant 2. awareness
 作题技巧: 掌握英语构词法和词形变化是做好这类题的关键。其次要确定空白处所要填的词的词类。如上面第1题,空白处应是形容词,说明vapor的特点,形容名词的词应是形容词。fragrance的形容词是fragrant. 第2题,空白处应是名词,因为此词在冠词后面,并且作have的宾语,故答案应是awareness.
 3. 完形填空 ( A 或 B)
 (A)考查考生对语法、词汇、惯用法、句型综合运用能力以及一定的阅读理解能力。本项为一篇短文其中有15个空白,每一个空白由4个选项。 要求考生在理解短文的基础上,选出一个最佳答案,使短文的内容和结构正确。本题的短文选自教材以外的文章,其难度程度相当于教材中的完型填空练习题。
 (B) 考查考生对所学的课文熟悉程度及对词汇和句法的熟练程度。 本项从指定教材的课文中选出长度为150~200词的片断,抽掉15个词,留出相应的空白,要求考生填入与课文一致的词。
 III.Cloze (A or B)
 A. Complete the passage by putting in the blanks the correct choice.
  Do you have trouble sleeping at night ? they maybe this is for you.
  When you can’t sleep but kept tossing and---1---in bed, trying to find a comfortable---2--,you are probably only making matters worse.—3—happens is that your heart rate actually increases, making it—4—to relax.
  You may also have some bad habits that are partly responsible—5—the problem. Do you rest frequently during the day? Do you get practically—6—exercise? Or do you exercise vigorously late—7—the day? Do you think about sleeping a lot, or sleeping –8—to your insomnia by disrupting your body’s—10---rhythms.
What should you do then on those—11—nights? Don’t bother with sleeping pills; they can actually cause—12---insomnia later. The best thing to do is to drink milk or—13—cheese or tuna fish. They are all rich—14—amino acid that helps produce in the brain a neurotransmitter that induces sleep. This will help you relax, and you’ll be on the way to a good—15—sleep.……
 1.a. moving b. rolling c. stretching d. turning
 2.a condition b. position c. situation d. solution
 3.a All b. That c. What d. Which
 4.a. easier b. easy c. less difficult d. more difficult
 5.a. for b. to c. because of d. in spite of
 6.a little b. no c. enough d. much
 7.a. for b. about c. on d. in
 8.a. late b. lately c. later d. latter
 9.a causing b. leading c. resulting d. producing
 10.a. artificial b. mechanical c. natural d. original
 11. a. asleep b. sleeping c. sleepless d. sleepy
 12. a .worse b. GREater c. less d. poorer
 13.a. swallow b. take c. taste d. eat
 14. a. on b. with c. in d. of
 15. a. night b. nightly c. night’s d. nights
 Key: 1. d 2. b 3. c 4. d 5.a 6.b 7.d 8. a 9.b 10.c 11. c 12.a 13.d 14.c 15.c
 作题技巧:. 首先要快速阅读全文,掌握全文的大意。完型填空的短文一般无标题,但首句通常不设空白,它是文章的开篇重要信息源,尾句往往在文章中起到画龙点睛的作用。在快速阅读中要找出短文的关键词语。然后要逐句细读,弄清句意和句法功能,根据所提供的答案,确定最佳选项。最后要通读短文,根据所学过的语法、词汇等方面的知识,看所填的词是否能使该句句法完整,意思合理。
 B。The following paragraph is taken from one of the texts you have learned. Put in the missing words in the blanks.
  One year Rudolf sailed all the way out to Iceland and began working his way—1—that rocky coast from one town to—2--. It was a hard, stubborn land;--3—people in those difficult places do not forget the—4—of hospitality to the stranger--for their God—5---decree that they too shall become---6---on the face of the earth. The—7—were small, and even if Rudolf had been---8—first- rate, they would not have—9—very demonstrative. From ancient times their---10--- had gone, first of all, into earnest---11---. Sometimes the local schoolteacher, who—12—them of their duty to the names of Beethoven and Bach and Mozart and one or two others—13---music perhaps was not much heard in those parts, collected them. Too often people—14—stolidly watching the noisy little fiddler, and went home---15—gravely edified. But they paid.
 Key: 1. around 2. another 3. but 4. law 5. may 6. strangers 7. audience 8. really 9. been 10 energy 11. toil 12 reminded 13. whose 14. sat 15. feeling
 作题技巧: 由于此题是从所学过的课文中选的,所要填的词必须与课文中的词一致,所以平时学习时要求熟读课文,力求达到会背,作此题就很容易了。但要求每课课文全部背下来也是很困难的,只有熟练掌握各课词汇的用法并掌握其句法关系,理解课文的意思,才能把漏掉的词正确地补出来。
 4. 难句释义

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