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[日期:2007-06-23]   [字体: ]

Doing a good deed expecting no returns感谢英语联盟提供 (http://www.enun.cn)

When I was young, my grandfather told me the story about Lei Feng and I was deeply moved by his deeds. And from then on, I set Lei Feng as an example for me to do good deeds without expects of returns.

As we all know, a society is harmonious only when people of all walks of the society live in harmony. Doing good deeds is good for not only others but ourselves as well. For example, helping the blind to cross a road, what can you expect? Picking up a wallet which others has forgotten and giving it to the police, what would you expect? Actually, the biggest return you have got is the inner peace in your deep heart. The world is for us and others and admittedly, our behaviors will have an impact on the people around directly or indirectly. As a saying goes, every bean has its black.If we expect a return for the good deed we have done,then what can we expect for if we make mistakes?

I do hope that every good deed can earn good return and people' s faces are filled with smile but not apathy. Do as our heart requires for inner peace and the society needs to keep in harmony.感谢英语联盟提供 (http://www.enun.cn)

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  写得好   ( 柳颜 , 09/12/2007 20:12:27 )

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