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[日期:2007-06-10]   [字体: ]
  Type A
  1) Show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the pictures below(描述点题段). 
  2) Give a specific example, and. (举例说明段)

  3) Give your suggestion as to the best way to overcome it (前瞻感言段)
  Type B 
  In your essay, you should first describe the drawing (描述点题段) then interpret its meaning(阐述寓意段), and give your comment on it. (前瞻感言段)
  This is a pathetic and heart-rending scene! In the picture given, a bird, cold and hungry, is squatting on a branch of a lonely tree, overlooking the desolation of trunks left after trees were cut down. The bird seems to be asking herself, “Where is my homeland?” No one can look at this picture without helping thinking. Who has deprived the bird of her right to have a home?
  Of course, we humans are to blame. We are so development-oriented that we almost can sacrifice whatever natural resources in order to obtain a little material gain. It so happens that we cut trees to clear land for farming and level up a lake to build houses. The result of so doing and other destructive developments is deforestation and uncontrollable desertification, thus driving the wild animals homeless like the scene we see above. This mode of proGREss is no doubt short-sighted and detrimental in the long run.
  Some of the harsh lessons we need to learn: first, we should respect the nature and other animals’ rights to survive. Second, we must waste no natural resources and possibly develop alternative forms of energy to replace the decreasing natural resources. Only in this way can we strike a sustainable development of the world. 
  Type A
  1) Show your understanding of the symbolic meaning of the pictures below(描述点题段). 
  2) Give a specific example, and. (举例说明段)
  3) Give your suggestion as to the best way to overcome it (前瞻感言段)
  Type B
  In your essay, you should first describe the drawing (描述点题段) then interpret its meaning(阐述寓意段), and give your comment on it. (前瞻感言段)
  In the picture above we see a man, coat and tie, holding in his left hand a fork and in his right hand a knife, is having his delicious dinner. He appears self-content and has a good appetite. In his plates, we find wild life cooked. Looking at this, one cannot but grow sad and feel strongly about the man’s taste. It is just disgusting!
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