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[日期:2007-05-14]   [字体: ]
1. The artist’s work pushes our civilization to a higher level.
改进:Artists’ work upgrades our civilization.

2. For example, you work in a big factory.
改进: Suppose you work in a big factory.

3. You’ll find you are fit for business and you can make it your main
改进:You’ll find that you are cut out for business and you can make
it your career.

4. We will own nothing at all if we depend on luck.
改进: We will get nowhere if we rely on luck.

5. He will get a higher salary to improve his living level.
改进: He will get a higher salary, thus improving his life.

6. Their brain is still very young.
改进: They are still immature.

7. Dissatisfaction makes people produce desire for better things.
改进: Dissatisfaction impels people for the better.

8. They can’t analyze clearly what is right and what is wrong.
改进: They cannot tell right from wrong.

9. It will help children to form a good habit of dealing with time.
改进: It will help children learn to make good use of time.

10. Though it is not the best job, it afford to his life.
改进: Though it is not the best job, a job is a job. He can make ends
meet with it.

11. Since people are always not satisfied with their present situation,
they want further development.
改进: Since people are never satisfied with their status quo, they
want further development.

12. The only thing they need to do is to find a job which can easily
big money.
改进: The only thing they need to do is to find a job that can bring
them big money.

13. They like an active life but not a peaceful life.
改进: They like an active life rather than a peaceful one.

14. Some cigarettes may even cost a larger sum of money.
改进: Some cigarettes may cost even more.

15. Firstly, dissatisfaction encourages the discovery of new products.
改进: Firstly, dissatisfaction encourages the invention of new

16. In order to suit the needs of entering into work, students must
grasp some technical skills.
改进: In order to meet the needs of future work, students must learn
some practical skills.

17. It is very necessary more qualified scientists and technicians.
改进: Qualified scientists and technicians are in GREat demand.

18. This knowledge will become a part of your body.
改进: This knowledge will become part of you.

19. They cannot think clearly.
改进: They cannot think straight.

20. Money can improve their living standard.
改进: Money can improve their life.

21. Parents always think that children will get a good job and earn a
lot of money.
改进: Parents always expect their children to get a good job and earn
a lot of money.

22. If a student only cares about money, will lead to be unhappy all
改进: If a student only cares about money, he will be misled and will
unhappy all his life.

23. One purpose of education is to study the way in which he studies
改进: One purpose of education is to learn to learn.

24. Many parents arrange their children go to learn piano.
改进: Many parents send their children to piano classes.

25. When I want to absorb somebody else’s opinion, I will study with
改进: When I need second opinion, I will study with others.

26. Eating outside has the most advantage that we can go at any time
when we finish eating without doing any washing.
改进: The best part of eating out is that we can leave everything
after meal.

27. Smoking can help you relax your mind.
改进: Cigarettes can help you relax.

28. What’s about nonsmokers?
改进: What about nonsmokers?

29. Why not to be a non-smoker?
改进: Why not be a non-smoker?

30. Everyone will have many friends in his life.
改进: Everyone has friends in his life.

31. I am not good at maths, but English
改进: I am good not at mathematics but at English/ My strength is not
mathematics but English.

32. Who is the proper person to make up his minds about children’s
leisure time?
改进: Who is the proper person to plan children’s leisure time?

33.It is children who clear about their interests.
改进: It is children who are clear about their own interests.

34. I aGREe the latter idea.
改进: I aGREe with the latter idea.

35. Many people dissatisfy with the status quo.
改进: Many people are dissatisfied with the status quo.

36. So I feel breathe more comfortably now.
改进: So I feel more comfortable now when I breathe.

37. People should learn knowledge no matter how old they are.
改进:People should learn no matter how old they are/ People are never
too old to learn.

38. No one knows all the things.
改进: No one knows everything.

39. I want to live in a quiet place to admire peaceful life.
改进: I want to live in a quiet place to enjoy peaceful life.

40. Each form of having friends has its advantages
改进: Each way of choosing friends has its advantages.

41. I was admitted to a key university for which few dared to sign up.
改进: I was admitted to a key university to which few dared to apply

42. Luckily, he recognized an American professor.
改进: Luckily, he knew an American professor.

43. They will learn the bad habits.
改进: They will develop bad habits.

44. In this continued process, people make proGREss.
改进: In this cycle, people make proGREss.

45. Lastly, higher education is equal to higher salary.
改进: Lastly, higher education means higher salary.

46. By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make up
for deficiency.
改进: By making friends who are different from ourselves, we can make
for our shortcomings.

47. A wrong decision will bring even worse fact.
改进: A wrong decision will bring even worse result.

48. You spend all your life to fulfill your willing.
改进: You devote all your life to the fulfillment of your dream.

49. Children should be taught disciplines in order to avoid
unnecessary lost.
改进: Children should be taught discipline in order to avoid
unnecessary loss.

50. I felt alone.
改进: I felt lonely.  

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