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A New Way to Use Old Tires

[日期:2007-05-07]   [字体: ]

It is spring cleanup week in a small New England town. During this week, people set out their extra trash and old junk to be picked up by the trash collector. The townspeople were asked to separate out those pieces of trash that could be recycled, or used over again. Recycling materials is a way of saving our resources from being all used up. Things such as old newspapers, glass bottles, and aluminum cans are brought to the town's recycling center. Trash that cannot be recycled goes to the town's trash center. But the townspeople discovered that there was one item which neither the trash center or the recycling center would accept. Old automobile tires would not be picked up.

What, then, were people to do with their old tires? Some people in this small town really cared about bettering their environment. So they came up with another idea. Many of these ecology-minded people were gardeners who did not like to waste things. So they found a way to use the automobile tires in the garden. First, they stacked two old tires together. Then, they filled the centers of each with garden soil and planted seeds in the soil. Soon, vegetables and flowers were sprouting from within these old tires. The townspeople had found a good way to reuse their old tires.

1. Before filling the used tires with soil, the gardeners had to _________ .

A. cut them up

B. fill them with seeds

C. stack them

2. One reason that the town probably held spring cleanup week was to encourage people to _________ .

A. reuse everyday materials

B. grow their own food

C. throw out old junk

3. Which of the following is not an example of recycling?

A. Grinding glass to make new bottles.

B. Melting down scrap metal.

C. Burning old newspapers.

参考答案: 1.C 2.A 3.C

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