walk on air(
I am walking on air. 我好像走在半空中一样。
同义:I feel very good and I am excited. 我觉得飘飘然。
After I received her letter today in the mail I have been walking on air. 今天收到她的信,我觉得飘飘然。
washed up像是洗过的(筋疲力尽,力气都用完了)
She is washed up. 她像是洗过的。
同义:She is too old to be effective. 她太老迈无用了。
After he broke his leg, the athlete tried to return to his sport. However, he was washed up and not as good as he used to be so he was not successful. 这个运动员断腿之后,还想复出,但是他已老迈,再也没有昔日的威风,所以复出不成。
water off a duck’s back鸭背的水珠(马耳东风)
It was like water off a duck’s back. 那好像鸭背的水珠。
同义:It didn’t seem to affect him. 那对他毫无影响。
Even though everyone he knew told him that they did not like his girlfriend, their words were like water off a duck’s back, and they are now engaged to get married. 谁都告诉过他,他的女朋友不怎么样。但是他们的话就好像鸭背的水珠,对他不起作用。现在他跟她订了婚,快要结婚了。