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[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]


    Volleyball, like basketball, is a popular sport for people. Oddly enough, both sports were invented at the same college and within a few years of one another. Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan, a student at Springfield College and a director of the YMCA at Holyoke, Massachusetts. The game was originally called "Mintonette".
    Volleyball quickly spread around the world and became more popular in other countries than in the United States. The International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) was formed in 1946. The sport was introduced to the Olympics in 1964 by the Japanese, although it was never contested as a formal sport at the Olympics. No country has been truly dominant in volleyball, although the Soviet Union has won the most medals. The Japanese had the world's best women players while the United States had the best men's team in the world throughout the 1980s.

    Volleyball game can be divided into two categories: beach volleyball and the indoor volleyball.

    First, about beach volleyball.

    Volleyball has now reached GREat heights of popularity in the United States and Brazil, largely thanks to the discipline of beach volleyball.

    The beach volleyball phenomenon, although hugely visible, is still just in its infancy.

    From the first FIVB World Tour event just over ten years ago, to the overwhelming spectator and television success of 'Beach' at the Atlanta 1996 and Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, beach volleyball has opened up Volleyball to a completely new market.

    Because of the many difficulties of playing outdoors, such as the sand, the sun and the wind, beach volleyball players must have outstanding ball skills and court speed. Partners must be well matched or opponents will win easy points by exploiting the weaker player.

    In beach volleyball, there are two players on each team, and matches are played best of three sets using the rally point system. The first two sets are played to 21 points, with the final tie-breaker set being played to 15 points. A team must win a set by two points. There is no ceiling, so a set continues until one of the teams gains a two-point advantage.

    Then, let’s come to the indoor volleyball.

    Prior to Sydney 2000, the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) introduced a new specialist role: the libero. This player wears a different colored uniform from the rest of the team and can be substituted in backcourt for any player on the team. The libero cannot serve, spike the ball over the net or rotate into the front-line positions, but plays a vital role for the team in serve reception and backcourt defense. The libero added an extra dimension to backcourt defense during the Sydney 2000 Games, improving the reception of teams, lengthening the rallies. 

    There are 6 players on court for each team. Matches are played best of five sets. The first four sets are played to 25 points, with the final set being played to 15 points. A team must win a set by two points. There is no ceiling, so a set continues until one of the teams gains a two-point advantage. Previously, all sets were to 15 points, with the first four sets having a ceiling of 17 and the final set requiring at least a two-point winning advantage.

     跟篮球一样,排球是一项人们所热衷的运动。有趣的是,这两项运动最早都出现在同一所大学里,并且产生的时间先后仅仅相差几年。排球运动始于1895年,创始人是春田学院的学生威廉·基·莫根,他还是美国马萨诸塞州霍利沃克城的基督教青年会干事。最初,这项运动被称为“Mintonette”(意思是 “小网子”)。

     排球运动很快在全世界范围内发展开来,并且在其他国家比在美国更受欢迎。国 际 排 球 联 合 会成立于1946年。该运动于1946年被日本人推荐进入奥运会,尽管那时它从来不作为奥运会的正规比赛项目。没有一个国家对排球具有真正的“垄断”地位,虽然当时的苏联赢得了大部分的奖牌。整个80年代,中国和美国分别拥有世界上最优秀的排球女队和男队。







     在2000年悉尼奥运会之前,国 际 排 球 联 合 会又引如入了一个新的特殊角色:自由人。自由人的服装必须与其队友的服装在色彩上有区别,并且可以替换场上后区的任何队员。自由人不能发球,当球高于球网时不能扣球,也不能按轮转顺序站到前排去,但他在接对方发球和后排防守方面却起到了至关重要的作用。在2000年悉尼奥运会中,自由人加强了后排防守,增加了队伍的接球次数,延长了双方对打的时间。


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