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[日期:2007-04-29]   [字体: ]

When the Americans were getting ready to send their first men to the moon,an old Irishman was watching them on television in the bar of a hotel.

    There was an Englishman in the bar too,and he said to the Irishman,“The Americans are very clever,aren't they?They're going to send some men to the moon.It's a very long way from our world.”

    “Oh,that's nothing,”the Irishman answered quickly.“The Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few months' time.That's much farther away than the moon,you know.”

    The Englishman was very surprised when he heard this.“Oh,yes,it is,”he said,“but the sun's too hot for people to go to.”

    The Irishman laughed and answered,“Well,the Irish aren't stupid,you know.We won't go to the sun during the day,of course.We'll go there during the night.”

    Fill in the blanks with suitable words and phrases from the list in their proper forms.

    get ready for,watch,too...to,send,stupid,clever

    1.The soliders(be)_________ cross the river now.

    2.He said that he would _________ big dogs after them.

    3.The boy is _________ young _________ go to school.

    4.That was _________ of you to do such a silly thing.

    5.They _________ the sun setting behind the trees.

    6.He is a _________ student,and he learns things quickly.

    参考答案:1.are getting ready to 2.send 3.too;to 4.stupid 5.watched 6.clever

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