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[日期:2007-04-26]   [字体: ]

    21. He_________the connection between the man-made electrical charge and the natural lightning.

       A) sought     B) sought in  C) sought finding  D) sought to find

    22. When a ticket vendor came in, Hernando demanded_________what numbers were for sale in the Christmas lottery.

        A) seeing   B) to see    C) that     D) his seeing

    23. He claimed_________treasure at the mouth of the Suwannee River, in water sixteen feet deep.

        A) to find     B) to have found  C) finding D) having found

    24. I'd like_________her the truth when she was here.

        A) to tell   B) telling     C) to have told  D) having told

    25. He tried to avoid_________his wife in such a place, but somehow came across her that day.

        A) to meet    B) meeting    C)having met   D) to have met

    26. He tried to deceive_________that he was innocent, but I knew he was telling a lie.

        A) me into believing      B) me to believe

        C) my believing           D) me believing

    27. He tried to make his fortune by raising pigs, but he only manage_________large debts.

        A) to accumulate        B) to have accumulated

        C) accumulating         D) having accumulated

    28. I wish_________no misunderstanding on this matter.

        A) there are  B) there is   C) there to be    D) there be

    29. The wooden horse_________into the city.

        A) was managed to bring   B) managed to be brought

        C) managed to bring       D) was managed to be brought

    30. During(A) the Revolution War Banneker GREw(B) wheat at(C) his farm to help feed(D) the American army.


    21. D对。他想找出人造电荷与自然闪电之间的关系。

    22. B对。当一个彩票推销员走进来时,赫尔南多要求看看他卖的圣诞彩票有哪些号码。

    23. B对。他声称在苏万尼河口十六英尺深处找到了财宝。

    24. C对。她在这里时我告诉她事情真相就好了。

    25. B对。他尽量避免在这样的地方碰见妻子,可是不知怎的,那天他碰见她了。

    26. A对。他试图骗我,让我相信他是无辜的,可我知道他在撒谎。

    27. A对。他试图以养猪为业,发家致富,结果却弄得债台高筑。

    28. C对。我希望在这件事情上没有任何误解。

    29. D对。设法把木马搬进城里。

    30. C错, 应改为on。独立战争期间,班内克在农场种麦,为美军提供给养。(D是正确的,在美国英语里,help可以后接不带to的不定式)

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