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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]




1.Who is making a telephone?

A.Jack is calling Betty.B.Betty is phoning Jack.

C.Becky is ringing Tom my up.D.Tom is phoning Lucy.

2.What is Betty doing in Sydney?

A.She's on business.B.She's on foot.

C.She's on watch.D.She's on holiday.

3.What's the weather like in Sydney at that time?

A.It's sunny.B.It's windy.C.It's raining.D.It's cloudy.

4.Is it very hot there?

A.Yes,it is.B.No,it's cold.

C.No,it's very cool.D.No,it's quite warm.

5.Why didn't she enjoy herself?

A.Her best friend wasn't there.B.She lost her handbag there.

C.The weather there was terrible.D.Becky didn't go there with her.


1.Robert is planning to buy       

2.Susan is Robert's        

3.They hope to         every day.

4.If Robert wants to have more money,he must         or        


1.What did Peter and Anna go to do after supper?                

2.Where did they have dinner?              

3.How did the good man get to the foreign country?             

4.Whom did the good man meet in the hotel where his friend lived?            

5.Why didn't the good man get a message from his friend?            


1.Why was Ms.Fox late for work that day?

A.She got up late.B.She would catch up with the bus.

C.The alarm-clock didn't work.D.There is som ething wrong with her bike.

2.Where was Ms.Fox's car keys?

A.In her desk.B.In her coat pocket.

C.Under her bed.D.In a basket.

3.How did Ms.Fox feel that day?

A.Very dangerous.B.Very tired.

C.Quite exciting.D.Rather frightened.

4.In how much time should Ms.Fox finish the work?

A.Before 12 o'clock.B.In an hour.

C.Before 9:30.D.In three hours.

5.Why did Ms.Fox begin to laugh?

A.Som eone was helping her with her work.

B.She found there was a ticket on her desk.

C.Her car keys are lying on her desk.

D.She found herself wearing different kinds of shoes.

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