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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]




Rupert Hoogewerf was born in Luxembourg and had his higher education at Durham University of England with majors in Chinese,Japanese and history.After working for now-defunct①Arthur Andersen for nearly seven years in London and Shanghai, Hoogewerf took his first crack②at calling out China's hidden millionaires when he publicized the list of China's 50richest people in 1999.Now he has become well-known in China in his own right for tracking down the country's super-wealthy.The number of people who could be termed a“tycoon①”has continued to grow for the past three years, and the list has now expanded to 100.He said that these figures of wealth should make it clear to the whole world that China has already undergone many positive economic changes.

In 1999,before Rupert Hoogewerf joined hands with Forbes(the U.S.magazine famous for its annual list of the most wealthy people),Chinese people had hardly any concept of personal wealth in their country. In China's earlier days,a massive fortune was deemed to be“evil”or“shameful”.Now, China's business people have been playing an increasingly prominent role in powering the country's fast-growing economy.

Starting four years ago,the British charter account has been working with Forbes to bring some of these influential successes into the spotlight②.

The ranking has also made Hoogewerf, who is fluent in Chinese due in part toa year's study at the People's University in Beijing,quite famous.He is already a public figure in China now,often making the headlines of newspapers and magazines.

Hoogewerf and his research team have been working continuously on the list for these past four years.Sometimes they even pay personalvisits to candidates to confirm as legitimate③the amount of their wealth,otherwise calculated by public information sources such as library dossiers④,media reports and statements of public companies.

“Most of the people I have contacted take a do-not-care attitude.Ifthe company is quite solid,then you are not frightened with the prospect of either being on or off the list,”said Hoogewerf.

With his quick rise to popularity in China,Hoogewerf has also been challenged on the accuracy and authority of his wealth- based ranking.Hoogewerf admits that he might leave out some rich people that cannot be assessed due to the lack of availability of public data on their enterprises.

“There are certain people who have not yet come to light,”he said.“I cannot expect to find everybody,because many persons have not floated to the surface!”

“If you look at the U.S.Forbes or the Forbes World 500,they have the same problem.According to public information, we are ninety percent correct.If we are missing more than 10people,I would be very surprised.I haven't today heard of a single person in publicrecords thatwe haven't sought out,”he said.

“But as people become more confident of their business,more private tycoons will list themselves on the stock market and we will find more people,”he added.

Hoogewerf has bought an apartment in Shanghai and currently lives there with his family.


胡润出生于卢森堡,毕业于英国杜伦大学,主修汉语、日语和历史。当他在伦敦和上海为如今已停业的安达信公司工作了七年之后,胡润由于在1999年公布了一份中国富豪前50名的排行榜而一鸣惊人。由于编制中国大陆富豪榜,而今,他已经当之无愧地被公众所知晓。三年多以来,在榜上可以被称作是“大亨”的数量已经增长到了 100个。胡润说,他想通过这些财富数字告诉世界,中国在经济上已经发生了巨大的变化。











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