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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]



A.Choose the word which is in the sentence you hear

1.A.decried B.derided C.deterred D.diGREssed

2.A.synonym B.synopsis C.sympathy D.symposium

3.A.clapped B.clasped C.clipped D.clumped

4.A.concealed B.consented C.conceded D.confused

5.A.initial B.initiative C.initials D.initiatives

B.Choose the sentence which is the closest in meaning to the sentence you hear.

1.A.Tom will ask them to admit him on Monday.

B.Tom will decide whether to go to school.

C.Tom will likely know about his admission to the University on Monday.

D.They will decide whether to give Tom a scholarship.

2.A.He paid $2.B.He paid $3.

C.He paid $4.D.He paid $6.

3.A.Joe came to my house by bus then taxi.

B.Joe did not come to my house.

C.Joe came to my house by bus.

D.Joe came to town by taxi.

4.A.Gary must work hard in order to finish his thesis.

B.Gary is planning a party.

C.Gary will finish his thesis at the party.

D.Gary plans to start studying next quarter.

5.A.He is tired now.

B.He did not go on vacation.

C.He did not want to go on vacation because he was tired.

D.He will take his vacation now.

6.A.Age is no hindrance to further education.

B.Older people should not go to school.

C.It is too late to go to school.

D.He will not go back to school because it is too late.

7.A.Mary was out of town.

B.Mary had lunch without her husband today.

C.Mary and her husband had lunch in town today.

D.Mary usually eats alone.

8.A.She planned to write a poem.

B.She planned to write a book.

C.She wrote a poem.

D.She does not like to write.

9.A.Jean works at a nursery.

B.Jean's children are sick.

C.Jean's children stay at a nursery while she goes to the university.

D.Jean takes her children to the university with her.

10.A.It took three extra hours to get there.

B.It usually takes three hours to go there.

C.We usually have a flat tyre.

D.It usually takes longer to get there.

C.Listen and fill the missing words in the blanks.

Many people may have noticed that,in very rapid and somewhat careless speech,the words‘Do you'and‘Did you'are often pronounced/d:/.This  1.________________sometimes leads to misunderstandings.The following short conversation between two husbands 2._______________ such a misunderstanding.

First husband:“3.______________.”

Second husband:“4.______________?”

First husband:“5.____________.”

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