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[日期:2007-04-24]   [字体: ]

    Dr.Guenter Blobel of the Rockefeller University in New York won the Nobel Prize for medicine on Monday for protein research that sheds new light on diseases including cystic fibrosis and the early development of kidney stones.

Blobel,63,a native of Germany who became a UScitizen in the 1980s,was cited for discovering that proteins carry signals that act as codes,helping them find their correct locations within the cell.

Some hereditary diseases are caused by errors in these signals and their associated transport mechanisms,the Nobel Assembly said in announcing the prize.The work has helped scientists use cells in labs to produce drugs,and has had an“immense impact”on further studies,the assembly said.

Blobel,a founder of Friends of Dresden,a group that helps collect money for the German city,said he would use the US$960,000 he won to help pay for the restoration of Dresden's famed Frauenkirche church, which was destroyed during World WarII.

The 1999 award will be presented in Stockholm on December 10 by King Carl Gustaf XVI of Sweden,a date which coincides with the 103rd anniversary of the death of the Swedish inventor and businessman,Alfred Nobel,who set up the prize foundation.

1.The passage is a        

A)folk epic from 1999   B)prose from a magazine

C)composition made by a pupil D)news report from a newspaper

2.Dr.Guenter Blobel has made GREat contributions to      

A)transport mechanisms

B)the early development of kidney stones

C)protein research D)producing drugs

3.Blobel was cited for        

A)the restoration of a church which was destroyed during World War II

B)discovering that proteins carry signals that act as codes,helping them find their correct location within the cell

C)announcing the Nobel Prize on December 10,a date which coincides with the 103rd anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel

D)presenting the 1999award in Stockholm

4.The discovery made by Blobel has helped scientists       

A)to use cells in labs to produce drugs

B)to find the correct locations within the cell

C)to have an immense impact on further studies

D)to use money to pay for the restoration of a church

5.Dr.Guenter Blobel was born in the year       

A)1936  B)1980 C)1896 D)1917


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