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[日期:2007-04-23]   [字体: ]



6.What is the man now?

A.A teacher.B.A dancer.

C.Neither of the above.

7.What is the woman going to do?

A.To learn dancing.

B.To run a dance school.

C.To find a new job.

8.How is the woman getting on with her work?

A.She hasn't reached the top yet. B.She isn't very successful.

C.She doesn't like her present position.


9.What's the girl's trouble?

A.She can't find a suitable job.

B.She can't decide whether to go to university or get a job.

C.She wants to go to college but her parents don't aGREe.

10.What do her parents want her to do?

A.To start working at once.

B.To wait untila proper time.

C.To study economics at auniversity.

11.What might the girldo in the end?

A.Go to university. B.Look for a job.

C.Study at home and depend on her parents.


12.Where does the man want to live?

A.In a big city.B.In the country.

C.In the mountains.

13.Why couldn't the woman sleep well last night?

A.She was not used to the silence.

B.She was too tired to go to sleep.

C.She was afraid of the noise made by the birds.


14.What do you think Robert is?

A.A dancer.B.A singer.

C.A student.

15.Where will the group perform?

A.At concert halls.B.At restaurants.

C.At some parties.

16.Why is Robert not sure of joining the group?

A.He hasn't practiced for ages.

B.He doesn't have time to practice.

C.He isn't interested in joining it.


17.When did Joe begin to work?

A.In 1931.B.In 1948.C.In 1979.

18.Whatdream did Joe have when he wasa boy?

A.Becoming a doctor.

B.Becoming a worker.

C.Becoming a teacher.

19.Where did Joe study computer math?

A.In the Community College of Philadelphia.

B.In high school.

C.In the University of Pennsylvania.

20.How old was Joe when he completed the work on his master's deGREe?

A.At 17.B.At 55.C.At 58.

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