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[日期:2007-04-01]   [字体: ]


在经历了长时间个性受约束的日子,新世纪的人们都格外向往自由,向往那个自由的化身:孙悟空.孙悟空破石而出,"不伏麒麟辖,不服凤凰管,又不服人间王位所约束",闯龙宫,闹冥司,花果山上称王.可以说已经达到人性摆脱一切束缚,彻底自由的状态.孙悟空其实就是自由的化身,他的品质中最突出的就是向往自由,他始终在追求自由,它的一切斗争也是为了争取自由.这样一个鲜活的形象给予了读者一种追求自由,追逐自由的力量和勇气. 然而,每个人都明白, 在现在,即使是将来,完全的自由终究是不可能的,人始终要受到这般那般的约束.尽管包围着我们的是个受约束的世界,但我们可以让内心尽量变得广阔而幽深,让它能够无边无际,包容天地.
然而,目前社会上还有许多人被一些价值不大的东西所束缚,却自得其乐,还觉得很满足.经过几百年的探索和发展,人们对物质需求已不再迫切,但对于精神自由的需求却无端被抹杀了.总之, 我认为现代人最缺乏的就是一种开拓进取, 寻找最大自由的精神.
" 读书百遍,其义自现",每次阅读我国的四大名著我都有新的发现,新的领悟,从中获取的人生道理让我享用不尽,指导着我前进的方向
在经历了长时间个性受约束的日子,新世纪的人们都格外向往自由,向往那个自由的化身:孙悟空.孙悟空破石而出,"不伏麒麟辖,不服凤凰管,又不服人间王位所约束",闯龙宫,闹冥司,花果山上称王.可以说已经达到人性摆脱一切束缚,彻底自由的状态.孙悟空其实就是自由的化身,他的品质中最突出的就是向往自由,他始终在追求自由,它的一切斗争也是为了争取自由.这样一个鲜活的形象给予了读者一种追求自由,追逐自由的力量和勇气. 然而,每个人都明白, 在现在,即使是将来,完全的自由终究是不可能的,人始终要受到这般那般的约束.尽管包围着我们的是个受约束的世界,但我们可以让内心尽量变得广阔而幽深,让它能够无边无际,包容天地.
然而,目前社会上还有许多人被一些价值不大的东西所束缚,却自得其乐,还觉得很满足.经过几百年的探索和发展,人们对物质需求已不再迫切,但对于精神自由的需求却无端被抹杀了.总之, 我认为现代人最缺乏的就是一种开阔进取, 寻找最大自由的精神.
《西游记》是我国古代文学百花园中一朵怒放的奇葩.自问世以来,不胫而走,风靡文坛,故事流传,广及民间,真可谓家喻户晓,妇孺皆知,雅俗共赏.如此之宏著怎一个"梦"字解决呢 不错,《西游记》它的艺术成就,人物塑造,思想内容等是多方面,多角度的.而在这儿,我只从弗洛伊德的"梦"论入手,用精神分析的方法来解析《西游记》.

The growth of secondary school students can not do without books, books are our spiritual sustenance, not their feeding nourishment of our life is not perfect; without their profound significance, and our life is reGREttable the absence of their enrichment-induced, our The spirit is nothingness. Reading, especially literary books, like spring rain feeding the earth, to make our life colorful, if cool summer wind of the world, let us enjoy life like autumn fruit covered with the branches, that we Jingshenbaoman , Literary masterpiece of the mysteries of the subtle influence of me and shaped me and achievements of me, "timely help" is no doubt we experience the true literary masterpiece!
China's four famous work, it is profound, I have a special liking for the four famous. "Journey to the West," I have read since childhood to think that it is also interesting Guoyin, bizarre, colorful world of myth, I nostalgia in time,回味无穷. But today this, again read "Journey to the West", I understand it has changed.
<<Journey to the West "is China's ancient literature in a garden in full bloom all the wonderful work. Since the development of self, Bujingerzou, popular literature, stories circulated widely and civil, really is known, Furujiezhi, Yasugongshang. Whenever I When you open the "Journey to the West", there are different feelings. At this moment I have a new understanding that his twists and turns in the plot hidden desire of the people and not of life and the pursuit of ideals and humanity, that is - freedom .
After a long day of the personality to be bound, the new century, people are especially longing for freedom and yearning for freedom that the incarnation: Monkey King. Monkey King rock breaking out, "Fu Kirin jurisdiction, against the Phoenix, against the world bound by the throne "Chuang Yonggungsa, make offerings Secretary, on the Huaguo Shan won. Humanity can be said to have reached from all restraints, and complete freedom of the state. Monkey King is actually the embodiment of freedom, the quality of the most prominent is the longing for freedom, he has always been in The pursuit of freedom, but also to all the struggle for freedom.'s Such a vivid image to give the readers a pursuit of freedom, the pursuit of the power of freedom and courage, however, everyone will understand that now, even if in the future, complete freedom After all it is impossible, so people have to be so bound. Although we are surrounded by a bound world, but our hearts can become broad and幽深as far as possible, so that it can be immense, inclusive world.
However, there are many people in society were some of the things of little value by the shackles, but Zideqile, but also feel very satisfied. After several hundred years of exploration and development, people's material needs are no longer pressing, but the spirit of freedom The demand has been denied the unprovoked. In short, I think most people today is the lack of a pioneering spirit, the spirit of seeking the GREatest freedom.
Li made the temper of the time, "Journey to the West", was deeply contains a new century most people want the freedom of spirit…… This is my current reading "Journey to the West" Experience of the deepest, the former has been busy away, I am the Monkey King, To find my freedom, my spirit
Outstanding with the feelings that I have entered the "Outlaws of the Marsh" Chung-yi in the world, which I have the understanding behind the loyalty to the spirit of love.
Needless to say Chaogai and small Cyclones Chaijin the Zhangyishucai, there is no need to DAI Zong said the flight legs, Miss with the resourceful. That alone just laughed Lu Zhishen, he quite some wild, a reckless peasant habits of the homeless and unemployed, at every turn on Angry, not in distress asked GREen indiscriminate, always the one that scolded three attacks. Disadvantage is the result not regret it, but had "not obscene wealth, poverty can not be changed and can not be mighty enemy" of the mettle of the most important thing is he was a hero Spirit, there is a willingness to Liangleichadao brother of Zhang Yi, he let this point I am particularly moved.
I imagine that if he came to my side, I believe that not many people can have his charm. This is not because of his appearance, nor is it because he has Mody portly figure, nor is he has plenty of Wealth, is that people in the eyes of his sesame big advantage. Please do not underestimate his sesame big advantage in this world to extinction.
I always feel that we have in life for a friend or relative Shaoliaoyifen family, the sons and daughters Shaoliaoyifen Gemen situation.
I clearly recall that in the past, our rural areas, 100 of rice to eat, drink 100 soup, the most unusual, however, I often eat the neighbor to the impunity, not a courtesy, not binding, only joy. Neighbor's brother and now I was as good as the original. I cried Naozhuo not attend kindergarten, we and the neighbors often chat with, but we started the installation of a wooden door.
Now again, the door of my home has become a three centimeter-thick security door. It's like a river, so that we and the feelings of neighbors separated the two sides in the world.
Care, our society is very natural Shaoliaoyifen love, a love and important - a concern. For the care, perhaps only need a simple GREetings, or a knowing smile, people will be able to hear it. Feelings of people on the mother's care. Should not be too stingy, a greetings and a smile will not let you lose what can only let you get into the character.
"Reading 100 times since its meaning is now", read each of the four new novel I have found that the new understanding, from access to the truth of life to enjoy not let me, guiding me the way forward
Whenever I open "Journey to the West", there are different feelings, in its four famous, is the most vivid and lively, I have read since childhood to think that it is Guoyin and fun. But nowadays, not The change is the bizarre, colorful world of myth, I realize it has changed.
This is all like to read a classic masterpiece, everyone can interpret it in time to get a different feeling and inspiration, some people like it a distinct personality figures; some people like it magnificent the overall image of some people like it lively and humorous dialogue Narration; It was also on its historical background, social phenomenon, but in my view, his twists and turns in the plot hidden desire of the people and not of life and the pursuit of ideals and humanity, that is - freedom.
After a long day of the personality to be bound, the new century, people are especially longing for freedom and yearning for freedom that the incarnation: Monkey King. Monkey King rock breaking out, "Fu Kirin jurisdiction, against the Phoenix, against the world bound by the throne "Chuang Yonggungsa, make offerings Secretary, on the Huaguo Shan won. Humanity can be said to have reached from all restraints, and complete freedom of the state. Monkey King is actually the embodiment of freedom, the quality of the most prominent is the longing for freedom, he has always been in The pursuit of freedom, but also to all the struggle for freedom.'s Such a vivid image to give the readers a pursuit of freedom, the pursuit of the power of freedom and courage, however, everyone will understand that now, even if in the future, complete freedom After all it is impossible, so people have to be so bound. Although we are surrounded by a bound world, but our hearts can become broad and幽深as far as possible, so that it can be immense, inclusive world.
However, there are many people in society were some of the things of little value by the shackles, but Zideqile, but also feel very satisfied. After several hundred years of exploration and development, people's material needs are no longer pressing, but the spirit of freedom The demand has been denied the unprovoked. In short, I think most people today is a broad lack of proGREss, look for the largest free spirit.
Li made the temper of the time, "Journey to the West", was deeply contains a new century most people want the freedom of spirit……
"Journey to the West" is China's ancient literature in a garden in full bloom all the wonderful work. Since the development of self, Bujingerzou, popular literature, stories circulated widely and civil, really is known, Furujiezhi, Yasugongshang. Acer book so How can a "dream" to solve the word? Well, "Journey to the West" It's artistic achievements, Characterization, ideological content, and so are many, many angles, and in here, I only from Freud's "Dream" On the start With the spirit of the analysis of the ways to resolve the "Journey to the West."
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  好!棒!文笔不错,像我学习!   ( 罗婧妍 , 01/11/2008 20:52:56 )
  好   ( 关清 , 10/01/2007 09:02:18 )

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