1) NEVER: talk, wear a big hat, smoke or throw things during a movie. That is what a rude dude would do.
2) ALWAYS: Come early because seating is first come, first serve, always be polite, and always know where the nearest exit is in case of emergency.
3) REMEMBER: the concession stand will be full of snacks like popcorn, candy and various beverages.
4) The usher is always there to help. Ushers should usually have FLASHlights to help you find your seat.
1) 决不要:在看电影时不要谈话、戴大帽子、抽烟或乱扔东西。只有粗人才会那么做。
2) 应该:应该尽早到场,因为早到才有好座位。要礼貌,为了应付紧急情况,你也须总知道最近的出口在哪。
3) 记住:电影院的食品亭会卖各种各样的零食,像爆米花、糖果和各种饮料等。
4) 引座员还会在那儿帮助你的,引座员通常都有手电筒帮助你找到座位。